Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
between December and august are 4 months.

on december th forums rolled back to august.

And you said that you bought 400 qi.

that means you made 9600 qi in about 120 days.

9600 : 120 = 80.

80 games per day .
Youre 16 so I think you still go to school.

lets say you play on a official aikido server

and lets say a match is about 5 minutes (more or less)

that means that you played 2hours and 40 minutes constantly toribash on 1 day.

But lets dont forget the queqe.

In aikido rooms usally play 4-6 people.
Lets say 5.

lets say you lose every 5 time (streak).

That means that you have to wait 16 times in the before you play.

yeah 5 minutes for 1 match .

4 guys who are plyain that means 20 minutes.

20 x 16 = 320.

5 hours and 20 minutes.

5hours + 2 hours = 7 hours

20min + 40min = 1 hour.

1h + 7h = 8h.

Lets say a usally school day takes 6 hours and lets say its starts at 8:00 .

8 +6 = 14 + some breaks way etc = 15.

15 + 8 hours toribash = 23 h.

So you play almost the whole day toribash ?

ok boss .

ps : sorry for my english.

I love you lol
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
State whats your belt 10th dan black belt

State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger: since i was a 4th dan i wanted to be in your clan because it is a clan that pwns others and has a lot of people with my skill as a 10th dan.

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of: Impact, RAGE.

State why u left that clan: Impact died because the ldr treated everyone like shit so they left and failed to build i new one. RAGE the ldr got mad at me because i by accidentally muted him when i ment to mute another guy.

State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts): None

State what happened to those accounts: N/A

State if you have bought any QI: no qi has been bought

State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account :none

State past infractions/bans: None (Tobi is a good boy xD)

State your timezone: Eastern staderd times

State your age: 16 years old

Forum activity: 7.5/10

In game avtivity: 9/10

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that): I can make buttons, and banners.

And finally state something about youself,that you would like us to know: Well I am just another guy from Canada who plays an addicting game. But if ever I am not on for a few days it is because of school work, so please don't take that as an unactive guy its just that i need to work for school.

Attached Files
decapolatinatooo.rpl (46.4 KB, 8 views)
face plant.rpl (60.6 KB, 5 views)
fuck down O_O.rpl (88.4 KB, 5 views)
oh yaa.rpl (79.9 KB, 4 views)
whatta save.rpl (52.0 KB, 6 views)
just..... DECAAAAP!!!.rpl (43.7 KB, 4 views)
pwwwnt.rpl (52.2 KB, 5 views)
wushu demo move for clan.rpl (24.6 KB, 6 views)
decap.rpl (30.1 KB, 4 views)
you will be discussed in secret but just so you know we are still discussing lots of other applicants.
ima crusin for a bruisn
Alright, we just started discussing about you in priv forums.

The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
I saw some comments about me, I probably will be reproved...
This clan is too good for me...

Canceling apply.
~ [Tribe]Shade ~
Originally Posted by Hycx View Post
I saw some comments about me, I probably will be reproved...
This clan is too good for me...

Canceling apply.

Good luck with wherever your clan aspirations bring you.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
Originally Posted by kickAss12 View Post
State whats your belt 10th dan black belt

State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger: since i was a 4th dan i wanted to be in your clan because it is a clan that pwns others and has a lot of people with my skill as a 10th dan.

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of: Impact, RAGE.

State why u left that clan: Impact died because the ldr treated everyone like shit so they left and failed to build i new one. RAGE the ldr got mad at me because i by accidentally muted him when i ment to mute another guy.

State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts): None

State what happened to those accounts: N/A

State if you have bought any QI: no qi has been bought

State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account :none

State past infractions/bans: None (Tobi is a good boy xD)

State your timezone: Eastern staderd times

State your age: 16 years old

Forum activity: 7.5/10

In game avtivity: 9/10

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that): I can make buttons, and banners.

And finally state something about youself,that you would like us to know: Well I am just another guy from Canada who plays an addicting game. But if ever I am not on for a few days it is because of school work, so please don't take that as an unactive guy its just that i need to work for school.

Last edited by Walter; Sep 25, 2011 at 11:54 AM.
So, I looked into this qi thing, turns out my cousin, who's orginal account is rock64 and this was his secondary, then I bought it off of him in 2010. Anyway he was the owner of this account before me, and he purchased qi from a person named kai tiger, I personally don't know of him, but he said that's who he bought it off of.

lol i also found that Mosier bought qi hehe, but yeah, i think that's it.
I N C R E D I B L E H !