Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by AssasinSam View Post
I skate, mostly longboard because i like cruising. Theres a lake that's near my house with a nice paved path around that i like to go to sometimes

Thats so nice, i love bombing down hills!

I just prefer cruisers because you can do ollies n stuff, and its easier to carry around.

Oh and, me and my other 4 friends all got cruisers and we just like to cruise everywhere and people always looks weirdly at our ''skate gang''.
But its so much fun to go all around the places just cruising
Last edited by haXu; Aug 10, 2012 at 01:32 PM.
Let’s de-rail this chat by discussing something stupid that apparently has been put in toribash. We now lose Tc for being afk, yes you heard me correctly losing Tc for going afk. When questioned about it all the response that was gotten is it’s your problem you shouldn’t have been gone. When I brought up the point of specing then you could be fentered by the op and lose your Tc they basically said screw you it’s your problem. They also said /spec is not for going afk. These people then decided oh we are losing this argument lets ban for discussing it. Now I don’t know about you but this system is stupid and the fact no one knew anything about it really drives me mad. What we need to do is spread the word create protests that sort of thing. I will not stand and have my Tc just be lost because my dog ran away and I could not get back to the computer in time. In fact when I brought up that exact scenario they said it’s your problem you should have planned to be gone that long. Obviously they are a bunch of idiots who know nothing about what in game Tb is like, we must not let this thing sit ideally, we must not let them get away with implementing such a thing without informing us, we must create a problem for them, so spread the word my good friends spread it far.