Originally Posted by mercykiller View Post
No replays ,
and are you free ingame ?

I'm coming online in a 3-4h cuz of my monitor, currently posting from my dad's laptop where I'm not allowed to install any games cuz yea :/
I am neutral, waiting for replays and test. Also, unofficial clans cannot have their own forum, unless Obese Criminals was an official clan.
Originally Posted by Kirmish View Post
I'm coming online in a 3-4h cuz of my monitor, currently posting from my dad's laptop where I'm not allowed to install any games cuz yea :/

Okay I will test you when you come online Ingame.
Originally Posted by mercykiller View Post
Okay I will test you when you come online Ingame.

Yea, sure. Just add me on skype and we will talk there: david.niste
Originally Posted by Kirmish View Post
Hello again members of [Origin]!
This is my second app, meaning that I really want to be part of this clan.

About me:
My name is David and I'm 14 years old, my birth date is on 9 may 2001. I am from Romania. I'm putting effort into school, I have good grades. Next year I am going to be an 8-th grader so that means I will have an exam. I play video games since I was 5 years old, starting with an XBOX Console brought to me from my dad when he went to Italy. My favourite hobbies are: Cycling, going out with my friends/dog, playing on the PC. As sports I did Tennis 2 years. I am a tall guy - 1,83m - I have brown eyes and 70kg. I have a nice personality. Now that summer has came I can play more games . Not really much to say about me

Other games:
As other games I really like survival based games/FPS games or real time strategy games. My favourite game series is the Halo trilogy (Halo combat evolved -> Halo 2 -> Halo 3 -> Halo Reach -> Halo 4 -> Halo 5 that is going to be released soon I think. There may be the strategy PC Halo games but I have listed only the ones that can be playable on console.), but now the games I'm playing are: Toribash, League of Legends(I have big experience in this game, playing since it was released) Metro Last Light Redux, South Park the stick of truth and Dark souls.

In-game skills:
I'm not such a good player, I played toribash in 2009 to 2011 I think, can't remember that well, I have 2 alts, those are: DavidRegum and Sicanio33, they are not ''big achievements'' since one is Brown belt and the other one Black belt (would have applied with the black belt one but I forgot the password to both of them since I didnt play on them for a really long time) but I think that belt doesn't really matter. I really like Mushu (I think I can handle myself in that mode pretty well), Judo (I like it and I can handle myself in that mode), and at Aikido and ABD I've started playing with some Origin members to learn new stuff and actually learned tons of good things and tactics I can use Thanks guys.

Why Origin?
Well, I was a member of OC (Obese Criminals) before, but I quit because the players weren't active and we didn't even have a ''Talk Thread'' and I saw a lot of people from Origin being very active and being very good at the game so I wanted to apply here. (So here I am ) I think that if I am going to be accepted I am going to learn a lot about the game and about you.

Things you should know:
My PC has it's monitor broken and I have to wait 3-6h until it can work (It has to heat up) and couldn't play lately because some family problems have appeared . Now that there are no more family problems I can play again and learn more stuff. I've also played with Embry0nic and barcodekila to learn some new stuff.

The end:
Thank you very much guys for spending your time with this application. I wanted it to be longer but I didn't really have ideas. Have a nice day!!!

purple monkeys run wild in the red forest. (Forgot to put that in the last app)

Ah, you again. Nice to see you back for another attempt.

Neutral, no opinion yet.
self proclaimed lurker and stalker
Originally Posted by Kirmish View Post
Yea, sure. Just add me on skype and we will talk there: david.niste

No,When Your Ingame tell me in talking thread I will get in.

Originally Posted by Toby1000 View Post
OC was an unofficial clan @Meh

Tobi has 3 yes' he will receive an invite.

Kirmish has 2 neutrals. So I believe a test should come if he gets a third neutral.

Everyone please che k Carl s replays form his test and make your decision I dont want his app to accidentally be forgotten in the flood of apps we just got.
Last edited by Fates; Jul 11, 2015 at 05:03 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
Tobi has 3 yes' he will receive an invite.

Kirmish has 2 neutrals. So I believe a test should come if he gets a third neutral.

Everyone please che k Carl s replays form his test and make your decision I dont want his app to accidentally be forgotten in the flood of apps we just got.

I appreciate that you care but i am in no rush
Life is good when you have friends backing you up