Lol this is pretty great, you can look crazy and floppy while making it look like it's intentional, good job. Dms are also nice and hectic. Looks like something from the past.
oh yeah
Look man, I'm not gonna badger on you opener, but that last kick needs to get a bit more explosive. Make sure you make ukes bodyparts fly around a bit more!
Some sick ass movement during your dm phase though, really liked it, good job!
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
hey me

hello that opener was really cool
fuck it everything up to like 250 was really cool then u kinda ruined it with the weird leg thing

u could have probably made uke spin more maybe possibly
like i probably would have lifted uke further with the arm u had under him then did EPIC KICK but then again i can respect that u didnt go for the most obvious choice in the ever of ever and did the leg thing but it didnt look too great imo and kinda ruined the replay from then on

pretty cool stuff post more stuff maybe yes
Hey. about your last replay. I really liked the way you controlled uke. The only thing that can be improved is dm's, instead of a simple split, do core, double core and so on. I like the way you move, but I don’t understand such openings. Good luck
hi cool replay.

i like the funky backwards manip. that was probably the best part for me. what i didnt like was how some of your touches almost stopped ukes rotation. cool dms too.