thats proberly the most detailed app ive ever seen. all the other apps should be the same. also divine. keep low to the ground by bendding your knees slightly and don't rotate your chest alot. mabey we could train sometime?
when life gives you oranges, make lemonade
want me to come up with a generic application that's all formatted and stuff? you could edit it into the clan page or whatever so people know how we want it. should we come up with any other requirements other than black belt and testing them? (i'd rather not test people in akido cause anyone could get in <_< maybe we make a list of certain people to test people in mods they are good at? or find a focus for steel)
Beep, Boop
good idea. we could have trainers for certain mods. i could teach parkour and sparring. post what you can teach and ill make a special spot for any trainers in the clan list.
when life gives you oranges, make lemonade
I can train running, wushu, and judo/judofrac.
Also, when are we gonna war again?
Last edited by Crapes; Aug 5, 2014 at 01:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Belt: 3RD Dan

Rank: 420

Age: N/A

Location: UK

Fav Mod: Akido and any of its variants e.g. Greykido

I want to joint because I'm a bit bored of playing without a group of people to be involved with.

I bring a lot of experience and a good fighting style.

I am happy with my skill level.

I have an alt and it is black belt.

I was part of the Southpaw clan.

I don't really post on the forum, because I just prefer to play the game.

My favourite official mod is Akido.

I mainly just fight.

My mod rank is 64

I would not donate to the bank because I believe that even though I would be part of a group, TC that I earn, is something that I would like to keep as there is stuff I'd like to buy.
Last edited by JSieffy; Aug 5, 2014 at 07:56 PM.
Jsi, please follow the guide..
Fav mod?
Why do you want to join?
Are you happy with your skill level?
what would you bring to steel?
Do you have a alt? if so what belt is it?
Previous clan?
Forum activity?
Fav official Mod?
do you mainly fight or parkour / spar?
what is your fav mod rank?
would you donate to our bank?
Ok jsi, I think you seem right for the clan. I'l accept you.
Hey cad, I could train greykido or aikido
Last edited by BillyLlama; Aug 5, 2014 at 10:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
the trainers list is up and our clan art is on google images

warning big

Last edited by cadbury69; Aug 6, 2014 at 01:57 AM.
when life gives you oranges, make lemonade