I Remebered one thing that yiou forgot. Changing the color of your space shit, fire and lazers. Maybe making a seperate place for that called "paint shop".
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
Perhaps. If i think of some way to do it, that is. The enemies are going to use a fair few colors (at least 4) for their decoration, and i want the player to stand out from the aliens. I've imagined the aliens using green, yellow, red and some fourth color that is even more ominous than red, to show different versions of the same enemy. The fourth color (which i haven't quite decided yet) would be for the supercharged foes, so you can see them among the other enemies.

@Joeseph: Ooh, sound effects. I hope you'll keep that offer open, because i might need some sounds in the future. :U
Music's all fine though, and i'd rather not mix up the music of two artists.

@Cindermomo: Thanks!

@weed33: I strongly recommend playing the game before making suggestions. :U
I was already going to do banking animations, background and superweapons, and the sound SHOULD be in order. As for indestructible things, perhaps. I doubt i'll make asteroids and such though, because the aliens are well past the asteroid belt already. They'd probably bring their own wallships to make your life harder though. =P

Also, fun fact: New demo is ready.


New features:
- Prettier explosions
- Shop implemented(!!!), though only with 3 upgrades so far
- Arrow keys enabled (you can still use WASD/ZQSD)
- Level 4 added (you won't survive it without upgrades)

That's about it i think. I probably missed something, but that is likely not very important.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I didnt play it cos im on a laptop and mouse controlled guns are very hard to play on a mousepad but i just played the first level with front guns only and i think its unbelievably good looking and fun
[Pure], wanna join?
It's fun to see that you not give up, as most other people would do. Most people just gets bored and stops making the games they wanted to do.
really nice gamexD,+rep edit;rep button down again?
and dont hold back if you need any sounds, itīll be a fun to do it;)
(did i mention, that i do 3d animations and convert them to sprites to gm?
if you need an 3d object tell me too)
Last edited by Joeseph; Jul 31, 2010 at 05:59 PM.
.....German Underground
being able to buy different parts for your ship (to make it look different) would be kewl, as well as having different colour themes.......weres versions 6,7,8,9
Last edited by Sentinel; Dec 7, 2010 at 02:21 AM.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Aren't you on like....Gaem10? I'm pretty sure you are, since I am playing level 7 and there are plenty more than 3 upgrades.