^ = if dog_is_staying = true
{instance_create (x,y,icon_has_happy_penis)}
else sprite_index = icon_sad
on 1:Part: {
if ($nick == TheDog96) { //msg $chan Good Riddance | halt }
//msg $chan I hope $nick returns soon. | halt }
Last edited by Kyou-kun; Jun 2, 2011 at 04:58 PM.
[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride
Well, I guess this is the Final Goodbye eh, Osta and Noob don't exactly agree with me anymore, and I think Castra may have been Kicked
Looks like I won't be posting here anymore. For those who don't know I've been Kicked from the clan.
Well then lets get to it
GoodBye Finalwish and Crett (Lets face it Osta and Noob Never liked me)
Osta you can delete this post if you want, If you don't think i deserve my goodbyes

almost forgot [/Invade]

We warned you a lot of times yet you still continued ~Noob
Last edited by notnoob; Jun 2, 2011 at 09:48 PM.
I'm Back Baby
Atleast write a reason , and why the fuck did you delete my posts if i had the fucking invade tag on?

Not sayng bie.
fuck you.

Ostakex Moderated Message:
You were kicked, end of story.
Please refrain from making offensive - irrelevant - idiotic - useless posts on our forum in the future.
I also suggest leaving our forum to avoid further disputes.
Thank you, and goodbye
Last edited by Ostakex; Jun 2, 2011 at 09:52 PM.
The curtains were fucking blue!!!
Atlantic is a whore clan now, we should just kick everyone except Osta, Final, Noob, Myself and Icon, oh, and Wu. :P
| tom |
Incidently you should give me your mod powers so i can amuse myself when you are not here.

you also forgot crett.
and Tzu.
Last edited by FinalWish; Jun 2, 2011 at 10:24 PM.
This is very scary.
You know, we need to find some mutual interest. Like some video game.
Or maybe a PC game.
Maybe the game we made this clan for--

Anyway, we're getting off topic.
Youse guyz is gettin' wack, yo.
I hope you aren't srs business about the kicking thing.
If you are.. ;3;
wat a crappy gaem
wut wre u thinkin