damn elf is sold out! :P , anyone interested in selling elf relax to me or trading with me?
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by reekondub View Post
selling demolition relax and usertet. offer
selling toxic lax
mysterio lax
plasma lax
platinum lax
aurora force



*tag invasion allert*

Can u tell me who are you?
(a lot of people invade this thread )
Long gone
the worst part isn't they invade its that they don't sell or buy anything :P
wishful eyes deceive me
hey dudes sry for double posting just wanted to get u're attention.

If anyone wants I can find u a full body text set for 120k (it will just last some time after u tell me - couple of days, and If I don't have tc I will request for u to give me 120k in advance - couple of hours), but don't do this 2 resell it later, just wear it :P
So if anyone is interested pm me or post here
Also since I'm very active on market u can request an item and I can get it for u cheapest possible in that moment, or tell u it's not a good moment :P

EDIT: also I wont to make it known, this is not my plan to make tc from clan bros, I'm not that kind of guy
Last edited by missuse; Nov 15, 2009 at 07:42 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me