Originally Posted by tabby View Post
i started playing kuma and phish is not pleased

kuma is fucking braindead bro i can literally go and pick up kuma/panda and smash people in ranked with no experience no practice
the combos are insanely easy and do good damage im angry
i often play with a good kuma player for sparring, if you know how to block you are good. bears lack good frames i guess, but their CH and mixups are dangerous
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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was messing around practice trying to come up with creative stuff

apparently if you do ak's cd3 at the wall and the wall breaks, his directional inputs are inverted for the next move despite him staying on the same side of the screen? its really weird
akuma sweaty
online akuma players mash out assist moves, fireball and the low kick into guaranteed mini combo fat
heihachi funny omen spam i can crush mids
im going to be focusing on my fundamentals more than raw execution now, i was going to play asuka but shes shit online, i recorded a couple of combos with her shes really easy

Last edited by id; Mar 15, 2021 at 05:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
What do you mean asuka is shit online? She is super good online, buncha hard to punish launchers and low whiff frames.