Original Post
Toribash 4.6 - Windows - OSX

UPDATE (4.62)
- fixed startup crash bug on Intel cards 4.61
- fixed audio, reflection when object below ground
- fixed close whisper tab
- fixed server sort for belt restriction
- fixed./lp on cached replay

New features:
- room name shows ingame
- new default replays
- show multi clienters (MC)
- show afk clients (AFK)
- unpause match when player who paused the game leave server
- duel scam preventions

Bug fixes:
- fixed changing reaction time to update turn timeout
- changed server desc when tournament is over or off
- fixed client takeovers
- fixed status command
- fixed paused command when match was started
- fixed copy paste crash
- elo penalties for quitters
- fixed right click mouse state sometime remain camera move mode
- fixed duel room hang when player spec or quit
- fixed ban command

- disabled pov screenshot

Server command cleanup:
All commands that take a parameter can be called without it setting anything. So you can use /duel or /duel status to see what kind of duel is running.

All commands are tab completed.

Usage: /duel <stop|status|earnings>
Usage: /duel <start> <tc>
Usage: /passwd <password|clear>
Usage: /send id [cmd]
Usage: /earnings <username>
Usage: /autobet <uke|tori|off> <tc>
Usage: /minbet <tc>
Usage: /betframes <frame>
Usage: /maxrake <tc>
Usage: /bet <amount> <name>
Usage: /bets
Usage: /vip <list|clear>
Usage: /vip <add|del> <username>
Usage: /ban <list|clear>
Usage: /ban <add|del> <username|ip>
Usage: /unban <username|ip>
Usage: /kick <username> [reason]
Usage: /hotseat <on|off>
Usage: /fuke <username>
Usage: /pass <password>
Usage: /passwd <newpassword|clear>
Usage: /setowner <password|clear>
Usage: /owner <password>
Usage: /setowner <password|clear>
Usage: /status <username|list>
Usage: /shout <message>
Usage: /hush <on|off>
Usage: /centerprint <message>
Usage: /nudgeup <username>
Usage: /nudgedown <username>
Usage: /nudge <username> <posititon>
Usage: /mute <username>
Usage: /fspec <username>
Usage: /fenter <username>
Usage: /fnock <username>
Usage: /lockdown <on|off>
Usage: /knockout <on|off>
Usage: /pause <on|off>
Usage: /enterfee <tc>
Usage: /knockoutprize <tc>
Usage: /decapprize <tc>
Usage: /dismemberprize <tc>
Usage: /op <username>
Usage: /deop <username>
Usage: /broadcast <message>
Usage: /whowas <username|list>
Usage: /house <username>
Usage: /stats <username>
Usage: /fwin <username>
Usage: /minbelt <games played>
Usage: /maxbelt <games played>
Usage: /maxclients <maximum players>
Usage: /motd [message of the day]
Usage: /desc [server description]
Usage: /queuejump <queue position>
Usage: /ranking <modname|global> [start rank]
Usage: /nameopener <name>
Last edited by sir; Nov 23, 2013 at 01:23 PM. Reason: fixed links
The replays for me in 4.61 are completely white, the only thing i see is emotes in the top left corner.
EDIT: Works fine in quickload, load just makes it white.
Last edited by Mystery; Nov 9, 2013 at 04:51 PM.
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
4.61 is out, it has a few fixes for startup crashes.

Please give it a try if you have problems.

Thanks Hampa, Worked for me.
I don't exist
Because Fuck You that's Why
/Wh no longer works.

oh noes

oh noes.

oh noes

oh noes

Edit: Satan strikes again,
There's an unusually wide gap between the close button of the whisper and the person's name.
Last edited by Nigma; Nov 9, 2013 at 10:25 PM.
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
use /whisper, that works.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
/wh still works for me. And chlebicek, in game my sounds are all a bit muffled up but in the sounds folder they sound normal and clear. Also i like the new animation to close the whisper tab, all those small things make big difference and make the game look a lot better. Hopefully next update we will see a lot more little, or even big things added to make the game look even better.
[Artist]Saif will be back soon... [TABD]