no really he's really on fire. p good

we can be a "Symphony of", like anything. Symphony of Snare Drums, Symphony of Screaming Falling Angels, Symphony of Bats; a chorus of
i'm down for the flames. let's set shit on fire, everyone

don't touch me or you'll get burned

is anyone here? are the mods here? I don't mean to wake them.

i don't mean anything by it. I'm just wondering if a name like Symphony of Screaming Pedophiles Falling Off Cliffs would be acceptable as a clan name.

also are we allowed to post kissing
Last edited by absaglute; Nov 9, 2019 at 07:50 AM.


Originally Posted by absaglute View Post
Screaming Pedophiles Falling Off Cliffs

Last edited by Brackass; Nov 9, 2019 at 11:27 AM.
i can't post kissing, my parents will disown me.

thank you for the cute dog video. it was nice. post more.


i can't get disowned. i'll be sad.
Last edited by absaglute; Nov 10, 2019 at 03:08 AM.
i do make an effort appreciate fluffs music but honestly i don't understand it.

Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Wondering

all you need is the strength to throw a sink through the wall and escape
well at least i can wash the dishes
Last edited by absaglute; Nov 12, 2019 at 04:09 AM.
Originally Posted by absaglute View Post

Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Wondering

i like this song and i have the album and i like a few other songs on it and the whole album's pretty fun in sequence. i feel like there are probably things that could be said about the lyrics of Wondering but i'm intimidated by the thought of talking about lyrics and/or i'm not sure it's actually worth the time/effort/risk. risk, I say.
Originally Posted by absaglute View Post
all you need is the strength to throw a sink through the wall and escapewell at least i can wash the dishes

relatable on a cosmic level

nobody better give me a hard time for using tumblr meme speak, tumblr meme speak is fun. and MCR is fun. not that those are related.

yeah, but what is air.

no mod invasion so whatever.

guys, post sexy kisses. or worse. no pictures of kristen stewart. i would not like that. gosh.