Originally Posted by Eriisjntr View Post
I think all people wanna that their Chamara well go i hope Starring wanna that their Chamara must be well.


Anyways I went a bit inactive but here are some new replays:
Attached Files
cham- psychopath.rpl (90.2 KB, 17 views)
cham- sociopath.rpl (140.3 KB, 19 views)
I'm pretty much inspired by you, those 2 replays were good too.
Can you possible check my thread and give me tips on running?
Dude, some of the flips were ok and the barrel roll in the second one was good, but the tricks you were doing seemed to be unplanned and random. Like in the first one, you didn't ever properly land on your feet, you seemed to start flips that weren't going to happen, you had a contracted hip in the barrel roll... then you ended in a weird pose.

In the second one, it started off promising, then your second flip thing was awful, your arms were either up or down, no elbow movement, your landings were awkward, then you turned 'round and started running?! Then stopped straight away (but you did a frikkin lush side flip to a roll) and did a kinda spazzy unsteady pose..

I swear, this ain't revenge for your cnc on my post.. your previous tricking replays were quite good actually, and your toribashing replays are A grade, top of the ranks in my opinion, but these two didn't really live up to that standard.
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence tuppence tuppence a baaaggg
My Avvy/Sig shop
Cham... I specifically said 'no' when you asked me if you could have my opener. I kinda like what you did, but I need you to remove this replay.
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence tuppence tuppence a baaaggg
My Avvy/Sig shop
Originally Posted by TheMuffinMan View Post
Cham... I specifically said 'no' when you asked me if you could have my opener. I kinda like what you did, but I need you to remove this replay.

Oh sorry I didn't check your thread while posting it. My bad.

Aaaanywaays here is a new tricking replay:
Attached Files
cham- Peaches.rpl (111.4 KB, 21 views)
Last edited by chamara; Jul 24, 2012 at 11:51 AM.
The start was pretty cool, I kind of enjoyed when you stopped for a while
The first spin looked very good, it was awesome
However, at frame 800 your legs looked rather akward, maybe because they were both extended and the ankles were contracted
The second one required some arm support to put your feet on the ground, and you did it nicely
The third flip looked a bit sllow at the start but it was nicely done
You slightly ghosted through your right leg
The landing and pose were very nice, the left elbow made it realistic

Awesome tricking, teach me?
oh yeah
Since you requested CnC
So the opener looked pretty cool, though the arm movement looked meh.
The first twist looked a little awkward to me, though the kick looked pretty good.
the next twist was sorta awkward as well, and the transition from the twist to the
flip was rather slow. The flip looked great though!
I can't help but thinking you could have made better pose though.
*requesting last cnc
wow that
First trick was awesome.
The transition into the backflip looked slow and weird.
Backf itself looked nice.
Pose was ok.