Well.. it's kinda c/p.. I just took a wood texture from the internet and edited it.
The eyes are from an artist calls Luigi Serafini (Codex Seraphinianus). It was just one eye, so I had to mirror it and then I started to paint 'cause it had to fit with the wood texture. So, you see.. I'm just a robber but I know how to get that stuff together ;)
Just going to revive this to post my Tori.


Can't remember who made my head. I have another head and force I wear on occasion, but this is mainly what I use for the time being.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
Just going to revive this to post my Tori.


Can't remember who made my head. I have another head and force I wear on occasion, but this is mainly what I use for the time being.

I like your tori alot, since grey is my favourite colour
Originally Posted by tobreak View Post
I like your tori alot, since grey is my favourite colour

I'll probably buy a new relax soon that goes with platinum, since Shaman Relax isn't the best fit.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
As soon as you are a 10th dan I would recommend pure lax ;)
Welcome to the clan btw. I hope you'll enjoy our community.