Originally Posted by fogle View Post
Are you circumsised?

Originally Posted by ReactorR View Post

Sorry you cant be in then reactorR

Originally Posted by AHM View Post
hey guys sorry for not posting i gess im just on a bad luck strick after i changed the Email and pass the email needed to be verfied and the links had problems and i wasnt able to post but now its resolved and im back for bissnes
and here is the info about getting in the clan:
Belt:black(850 till 2nt dan)
Playing since:about 6 or 7 monts
Mods you are good at:i dont know i gess aokido
Why do you want to join woor:becuse my BIGEST AND BEST FRIEND is here and where ever he is that clan will get GODLY
Why would we want you?:im not bad and im not the type to anoy others (af i can say so for my self)
Do you have msn/icq/irc?:i will get mirc very soon maybe tommorow
Anything else to say?: i miss you FOGLE


Ok, im probably gonna let u in..... post some awesome replays, and u proly in =). and yes, ur attitude rules, which is 60% of the application, we see ur attitude.

lol say hi to the true potencal of the penis ;)

Infraction blablablaj
Last edited by blaj; Dec 11, 2008 at 12:29 AM.
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
Andrew, dont search for clan-infractions, or i will hand them out.

i have a few things to say and ask
1.who's that guy in your avatar
2.i got a few replayes
3.what do you think of my sig
4.when its the time your usually online post in the recruitment (now)
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
and here are the replayes
Attached Files
AHM jump n kill.rpl (41.2 KB, 4 views)
AHM no use for movment.rpl (46.4 KB, 4 views)
AHM the dismemberment.rpl (46.1 KB, 4 views)
AHM the istagiber.rpl (60.0 KB, 3 views)
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
eee look chez (cool) isnt the first thing that comes in mine
instead of cool we shod say bouncy lol
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
lol, ahm, i do like ur sig, and thats me in my avatar/sig.

ok im doing this because fogle asked me to so hear it is
ahm im rating your re-plays and giving feed back
1. AHM jump n kill.rpl: iv got sevral tips for you
1. flow, dont flail your limbs about allow you body to
natraly flow into and out of attacks
2. dont by symmetrical, it may seem like a good idea
and make sence but dont
3. a good replay for getting in a clan would involve
a good dismember (witch you have) without
dismembering your self (not so much)
4. dont move uke
AHM no use for movment.rpl: i have no responce to this one, i really dident like it but i can see why you thought it was cool and posted it
AHM the dismemberment.rpl: random mods like this dont really show skill, there fun to play and fun to look at, but not good for showing skill
AHM the istagiber.rpl: instagib isent that great for showing skill eather, its acceptable but dong dismember yourslef
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
ok andrew, thank you for doing as i asked. And, AHM i hope you will post some nice ones with this advice, i am grounded from toribash ATM, so i cannot do much, but heres an example of a decent clan application replay.
1000 ed decap.rpl
ok, this one is about how u move, not so much flashiness, if u can get to ur opponent without having to do stuff everyone does, ur on the right track, doing things at 1000 distance is really great practice
anotha Destruction.rpl
just a destruction, not really flashy, takes a little skill, but not much.

Stuff like that makes for nice clan app replays. i already have u in a very high place in my mind for acceptance, but i wanna make sure u are VERY good, and i will personally train u every step of the way. think of andrew as the teachers assistant, and blaj as the Evil overlord, but be careful, cuz he has mad skills in toribash, and is my worthy co-leader.