no, dark matter would be a factor for a shrinking universe :/

also, I didn't mean you couldn't get within 5 miles of a black hole without escaping, if you'll read what I said, I said that once you are within the event horizon you can't escape (under current scientific limitations).

I think you meant dark energy btw
sorry, I don't care if you're nuthug, but anyone as cocky as that isn't gonna get in.
Work on your personality and come back sometime.

As for Nil, if I see you on the IRC I'll test you : ]
[09:26] <PV2Caribou> hey
[09:26] <PV2Caribou> OH HEY CARIBOU!!
[09:26] <PV2Caribou> whats up man?
[09:26] <PV2Caribou> oh not much, just hangin out in the TLL IRC
[09:26] <PV2Caribou> oh no shit? me too
[09:27] <PV2Caribou> cool cool
[09:27] <PV2Caribou> ya, just wish there was other people
[09:27] <PV2Caribou> ya i know right?
[09:27] <PV2Caribou> its always th only one here
[09:27] <PV2Caribou> are u even in TLL yet?
[09:27] <PV2Caribou> nah man, thats what makes it so funny
[09:28] <PV2Caribou> hahahaha ya, they should probably fix that
[09:28] <PV2Caribou> ya thats what im saying, but oh well
no one is ever in gets lonely.....^_^
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos