Idk what's so awesome about 4.6, the room names don't even show up for me in-game *shrugs* How's everyone's week been? It's the end of the 6 weeks grading period so I've been stressing out about school.
Originally Posted by Tripstone View Post
I iz sick....


Damn Trip, feel better. Eat some Texas Toast with chilli and Shmoke a bewl for me.

Originally Posted by Qubic View Post
There was actually just a lot of code and command cleanup. Also, you must be looking in the wrong place. Remember where it used to say "Game" on the server chat tab? Now that text is replaced by the room name. It works.

Qubic, Thank you so much. I am an idiot and was expecting the room name to appear near the timer or something. Thanks for clarifying my retardation.
Originally Posted by Qubic View Post
Pointing out retardation is part of my job

Also, if Trip is sick, I wouldn't suggest that he smoke. You have a much higher chance of getting bronchitis that way. I mean it can help you feel a bit better for a small period of time, but it's just not the best idea, especially if you have a sinus issue.

Smart ass >.>
B-day's today, turning 17, going bowling soon. Love you, guys. AAAAAND I need to stop being an inactive shit. <3