^ I'd stop posting if I were you.

Where does my vote with the clan stand? Am I welcome or should I leave? I'm very patient so just give me the word and I'll wait some more.
Thelunatic, that's all you got rejected.
Emg words.
Last edited by Kratos; Feb 27, 2013 at 03:48 AM.
You know what, forget this. I was invited to the clan I didn't post an app to try and get controlled by Sainz and him act like he owns everything and makes a decision for the whole clan. If I'm rejected, whatever. I didn't do anything wrong just because 1 person doesn't like me I'm not good enough? Fine. Bye. I tried to be respectful and patient. I wanted to be in this clan so badly and I wrote so much on my app, but it appears Ze and you other guys just hate me. I thought Planz liked me and Ripper would want me here, but I'm rejected because Sainz doesn't like me? And he's not even in the clan but what he says is all that matters? I give guys win. I did what I could to make this stop. I just wanted to make an app and be in the clan without being treated rudely.
Last edited by TheLunatic; Feb 27, 2013 at 05:01 AM.
You know what, sainz fuck you, im removing you from our allies and reporting you, i told you not to post here, and we never said he was rejected. Goodbye.