im trying to climb back to diamond after being placed in gold 5 (really?). Anyway, I just have to say high gold/low plat is full of the most toxic players I have ever seen. They behave like your stereotypical bronze players. Doesn't matter, if you do ONE THING they don't like jesus you better prepare for a 40 minute-long barrage of insults and broken english. I got cussed out for picking kassadin, even though he's not the OP god he was anymore, he can still be good if played well. The good news is hopefully I won't be here for too long, I've played 137 ranked games and went from 0 lp gold 5 to plat 4 promos, with my first 40 or so games being absolutely pathetic.

tl;dr = low plat is the elo hell. I think i remember saying this last season too
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
If there is such a thing as gold heaven, it's low gold. That's the best batch of non-toxic players you'll ever find.

I can vouche for what you said, I'm in gold 2 right now, almost 1, and you can't imagine the toxicity of the players. The problem is, almost everyone expects to have things go their way, forgetting that they're in soloq and not in team ranked.

They always have plans in mind, rules they play by, that no one else knows, and if something goes differently than what they had in mind, you can expect the whole game to turn into. countless amounts of shit talking, regardless if you're extremely ahead, or not at all.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

i just played an ahri normal and despite having 2nd least gold in the team i did the most damage and did 10k true damage with my q which was a 4th of my whole damage output. never got that sort of a result on lb being behind everyone else in my team, plus having a 4th of your damage as true damage is i think pretty legit
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
If there is such a thing as gold heaven, it's low gold. That's the best batch of non-toxic players you'll ever find.

not in NA, theres at least one person threatening to afk or actually afking every 3 games
Last edited by Daxx; Mar 27, 2014 at 02:58 PM.
I actually agree with EJM. Sooooo good in low gold. I moved from gold 5 to gold 1 in a day because my teams were so nontoxic. Great stuff.
Played a ranked game this time, again versus a leblanc in mid, dumpstered lane this time around as well. Definitely easier to play than leblanc, too, altho sure both have the potential to outplay eachother. But overall the verdict is ahri is the new old freeelo(maybe not exactly free, but definitely very legit pick)
I play mainly normals and I'm getting put into gold/plat-filled games, which is annoying because I'm a bronzie scrub support main
Is Veigar an acceptable support?

How would you play him differently?
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Is Veigar an acceptable support?

How would you play him differently?

There's an interesting support path for him that's not great, but it's acceptable cheese.

You'd skill order r > q > e > w, and your start item would be relic shield. Why? So you can actually last hit with your q at least some of the time. Basically, you play that lane as a farm lane, using your e to disengage and just stalling out the q farm.

Cd is king, a nearly 3 second aoe stun every 7 or so seconds with almost 1000 range is god tier cc. Blow everything on whoever dives. Your job is to make the adc kill people diving them faster, not delete somebody (at least, not until end game).

Veig isn't great on support because of his heavy reliance on farm and gold, but he has a decent enough skill set to make it plausible.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Yeah, that's what I thought woujld happen with GP support too. Relic shield op.

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