Originally Posted by sponge101 View Post
when will i get an invite?

as soon as kareem98 or supalolcat come online. Could be a while, keep in mind it is the weekend and they may not be as lifeless as I.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Originally Posted by TobiKC View Post
Sorry for bothering but how many more post do i need to join pls tell


You need at least 25 posts to join.
It is just to confirm that you know how to post.

Originally Posted by alekso1 View Post
Where do you live?(optional): Norway
What belt are you?:brown nearly black
Where do you want to improve?: im active
Favorite mods: jubo.tbm,boxing,wrestling,
Why do you want to join?: ive never been in a clan
Have you read the rules?:yes


1- You don't have 25 posts.
2- You didn't read the rules, try after reading them.
Originally Posted by TobiKC View Post
uh hey lel0uch can we be friends just asking

Yeah sure.

But this is not the right place to ask. You could have PM'ed me but it's okay.
Originally Posted by alekso1 View Post
Where do you live?(optional): Norway
What belt are you?:brown nearly black
Where do you want to improve?: im active
Favorite mods: jubo.tbm,boxing,wrestling,
Why do you want to join?: ive never been in a clan
Have you read the rules?:yes

Black belts aren't really called beginners anymore. This is a school = learning. Surely you've got much experience with the game now.
master of the universe
Originally Posted by ballhug View Post
i have double account one of them have 100 something post

the username is rhomeozon

I don't care even if you got 10000+ posts on your other account. We only only look at your current post count.

Get more posts or else there is no chance for you.