Hi , i readed 3 page's from luna here lol . When other people argue it's funny but when i do it's not funny . Well luna gg . Also a nickname for me ? You can call me ruymen , thats my last name of my real name or call me venom because i like black . Or something from metal .
You can stop talking about me now. The bottom line is I got confused over something I didn't understand. I do not like when people blame me for something or talk about me negatively as anyone would not like. Leave it at that and stop agitating. Drop it. And if you can, then this is my final message.
Last edited by TheLunatic; Oct 21, 2013 at 01:01 AM.
Originally Posted by TheLunatic View Post
You can stop talking about me now. The bottom line is I got confused over something I didn't understand. I do not like when people blame me for something or talk about me negatively as anyone would not like. Leave it at that and stop agitating. Drop it. And if you can, then this is my final message.

I lol'd at this tbh.

Idk why. There was no humor involved. Just read it, take it, and leave it instead of trying to make an insult out of it.
Last edited by TheLunatic; Oct 21, 2013 at 02:40 AM.
Originally Posted by TheLunatic View Post
You can stop talking about me now. I do not like when people blame me for something or talk about me negatively as anyone would not like.

These two things will happen whether you like it or not.
You will be blamed/talked about all your life.
It's something you have to deal with.
You don't seem to understand that. And that's why I laugh.

True, but you don't HAVE to blame/talk about me. Doing that is just asking for more problems. So grow up and drop it. That's something you're gonna have to deal with. You don't seem to understand that. But I'm not laughing because there is no humor.