Good rich... its better to ignore rather than react... however, if he crosses the line... don't be afraid to tell your parents, school authorities or (Im' serious) the cops. Don't worry... they won't imprison him (Unless you want to n' you have strong evidence against him). They'll just give him a hearing or something, that should scare him enough to keep off your trail. And Monks... I am selling my first head texture HERE. Sry for ripping of your application T4T... hope u don't mind.
I'm leaving (Monk) as I thought people here acted the way they asked for, but in the end most of the people i've met always ends raging or something. No offense to anyone, but its a shame to have the same tag as some kids that rage and insult everyone as much as they can. I have proof if anyone wants, not saying the names tho.
If I owe anything to any Monk just lemme know in a PM, met really nice people here, but well, read the post above. ^^ C'ya.
Its not everybody.. we are still a big clan.. and its a free world.. if someone want to leave.. let him/her go.. I prefer to have 9 active members who love the clan then 50 members who give a shit about..
Hey Monks,
I'm working on a new set.
This is a WIP image:


Tell me, what could I improve/change about it?
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
hmm i see sems like we got some rage kid's pls lisen to a olt monk and let u tell somthing raging aint make u stronger raging just gif a bad opinion of oure clan so pls just stop raging if u dont gif a shit about this clan..... its a game whit a chance to loose... but your free to do what u like so..... thats my opinion
Originally Posted by Time4Teddy View Post
Hey Monks,
I'm working on a new set.
This is a WIP image:


Tell me, what could I improve/change about it?

make some claws hands would be looking nice^^
Last edited by trybut; Aug 11, 2014 at 09:23 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by trybut View Post
hmm i see.. seems like we got some rage kids. pls listen to a old monk and let u tell somthing: raging aint make u stronger raging just give a bad opinion of our clan so pls just stop raging if u dont give a shit about this clan..

true words.. we are monks.. calm and collected.. thats not just a jingle.. its what we used to be.
Definitely, it's not just some random poem I made, but it reflects what our clan should and will still be.
Heart of Gold