Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Guys, we need to go more wars ... we lost ranking ... prowlerl9, I can help you! let me be co-leader of his clan, I can help with the wars! I want to give a better future to the clan
<haeus324> vei
<haeus324> quero matar o kookiie
Right now ranking isn't my priority, we have clan league in a few weeks and I'm training. I'm also working on getting more recruits. But TurDE just left, that sets a clear example of the players we don't want.

Im2Boss and me are the oldest members therefore he will help me with a lot of things, but if you want to PM with any suggestions of people that you find in a recruitment server. You can also join any that I or im2boss make.

But I suggest you start training.
Toribash Media |[TeamWushu]
can I participate in the clan league? I'm a good player, playing since 2007... if you want help, you can count on me okay?
<haeus324> vei
<haeus324> quero matar o kookiie
That is something important Prowler, yes you are training, it's cool but you can comunicate it to the rest of the clan in first. sorry I just want good things for Ascend but sometimes I don't understand your logic.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
I just said that I have been training, plus I'm recruiting more members. Along with that there are other multiple things that I have to do outside of Toribash.

Yes you can compete Kookiie clan league is for everyone.

Finally, Astral you want the best for Ascend? Give me time then.
Yes I know I need to talk to everyone about my plans, yes I need to get more members, yes I need to train.

But how can I do any of this if people just piss off and leave. They say they will have loyalty, respect and want to help. Why the hell did they leave in the first place! That is bloody stupid logic, my friend.
Toribash Media |[TeamWushu]
You remind froggy? he said bye and never came back on chat, I still observing if you need help or whatever you want, I already told you that I wanted to build a clan, it was before going to Origin, for now I'm waiting because I'm busy, I want to launch it well, be present etc... etc... I don't think it's so stupid.
you don't need training bro, you don't need more members. you are on the wrong way on that point who would like to enter if you say nothing to members you already got? you got 3 actives members? deal with it! peoples going to be more interest by an active clan.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Originally Posted by Astral View Post
You remind froggy? he said bye and never came back on chat, I still observing if you need help or whatever you want, I already told you that I wanted to build a clan, it was before going to Origin, for now I'm waiting because I'm busy, I want to launch it well, be present etc... etc... I don't think it's so stupid.
you don't need training bro, you don't need more members. you are on the wrong way on that point who would like to enter if you say nothing to members you already got? you got 3 actives members? deal with it! peoples going to be more interest by an active clan.

It's not really about how active it is though, It's about fun.
People love fun.
And for this case, People love fun and strong clan.
Ill be active for a while but no guarantees it will last for very long, i grew really bored of tb, i played it for so long i like like 4-5 years? I dont like playing anymore but ill post, only takes a minute or two anyway.

Also with the ranking im not complaining but when i was more active i was one of the people who helped shape this clan after pwnsor left. Honestly wasnt much help i was but i helped rhae and nev with important decisions.
Last edited by swiftone1; Jun 26, 2014 at 07:17 AM.
Wombo Combooooooo
Ok swift. Good to know we still have some old timers here.

Ok, so for anyone who is active (in-game) I'm going to make few servers in the next couple of days. It will be called Ascend.

5:00pm Friday GMT

7:00pm Saturady GMT

1:00pm Sunday GMT
Toribash Media |[TeamWushu]
Old timer? Yeah i guess im pretty old here, been in ascend for over a year so probably. Ill try to be on, no promises and even if i do get on im pretty bad my skills have atrophied over the time ive been inactive.
Wombo Combooooooo