gratz, i have another 4 years of them..... sadface

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
i will have a go, it will be bad as im still getting used to gimp, but i could defo use the 3k

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Yea it rebuilds each 30 minutes but some people can do it repedatly etc i can crack my knees on stop, seriously one time we were doing some kind of course and in the jumping section my knees cracked each time i bended them :V

Fucking ninja'd
My 12 exams start the 16th
Last edited by micho; Jun 11, 2010 at 10:41 PM.
i bought one to see what it was like but it made no difference so im selling it cheap if any of you guys want it
ill give it to u guys for only like 16k min

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
looking forward to it dirt

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Sounds good. But don't feel bad. I'm still getting used to GIMP and I had it for about 6 months >.<

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

lucky bit....

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.