Why would you hope he gets banned? I thought Picasa was a pretty cool guy. And he didn't afraid of anything.
Originally Posted by Hotshot View Post
Why would you hope he gets banned? I thought Picasa was a pretty cool guy. And he didn't afraid of anything.

Well, it's causing problems, accumulating infractions/bans, if it continues like this, no doubt, will take a permanent ban. And other, he is a guy crazy by his posts-count, ask alliance on all the clans, etc. just to get where to post (and was one of the reasons why he was banned once), is what I think.

Oh, Starbucks coffee is fucking great! Man...
Guy, he didn't get banned from infractions this time, this time the reason made absolutely no sense. So I don't believe it will take a perma ban. I believe this ban had a derp reason.
Originally Posted by guyoliveirah
Well, it's causing problems, accumulating infractions/bans, if it continues like this, no doubt, will take a permanent ban.

"accumulating infractions/bans"

Not infractions. I don't see how pretending to be married cases problems either 0.o
I do not know if you know, but the dude has been infracted/banned at other times, for other reasons, etc. Just telling.
Last edited by Morbid; Aug 5, 2012 at 02:09 AM.