Thanks BeastLEE, it was very interesting to see these replays....
I have a conclusion..... and the rest decide Sahee.
i want to be in relax all beacuase its a pwning clan plus it officail

User was infracted. (Triple post; inappropriate board invasion)
Last edited by CMon; Mar 21, 2009 at 10:45 PM.
I am Yusi, a 5th dan, I like Kickbox,wushu,lenshu3,and more mods.
Shunned but never defeated, Striving to do what is right,
Originally Posted by zaxazaza View Post
i want to be in relax all beacuase its a pwning clan plus it officail

wise words sir. wiseee words.

Originally Posted by Yusi View Post
I am Yusi, a 5th dan, I like Kickbox,wushu,lenshu3,and more mods.

it's amazing how people can not read the first post of a thread having the "read the first post" part, in it's name.

Seriously guys, I'd like to have you in...

...back to elementary school, learning to pwn the alphabet.

Other options do not apply for you. And certainly not a place in RA.

Cya >.>.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Originally Posted by BeastLEE View Post
Zxazaza, plz stop it cuz when Sahee check this forum he will kill you =)

;) you should sig that Sahee.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Nick,Belt and Qi: Valeee,Black Belt,1542.
I want join because: Its the first one... No it was joke.i want to join because it is a good clan.
PastClans:Death Reapers, Platinu,Vortex.
Originally Posted by Valeee View Post
Nick,Belt and Qi: Valeee,Black Belt,1542.
I want join because: Its the first one... No it was joke.i want to join because it is a good clan.
PastClans:Death Reapers, Platinu,Vortex.

Take a look at what this thread is called:

Post here if you want to join. Read the mo-fo-king first POST please(extra emphasis).

Now looks at a few posts before you...

Good luck next time ;)
[A L P H A]