Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
I don't really like Last Whisper either... I kinda like the more expensive items. They seem more useful you know? I found a good use for Trinity Force after the argument I had a while ago about using it.

this is why i hear about people in this thread not knowing what they're talking about i see
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Tyzi View Post
this is why i hear about people in this thread not knowing what they're talking about i see

so far i see at least every 2nd post going full retard, that's pretty fun
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
So what makes you so superior than us mortals?

Mechanics and game knowledge. I tested everything, I scrimmed versus strong players to improve myself. You boy just play at your silver league and don't know about things like ap xin, ad soraka etc. People sometimes pick uncommon picks and guess what, no one laughs or so, they even manage to carry, while you think that lb always must go ap runes, marksmen must go ad etc etc. Instead of bullying me you should listen to me because I know what I am saying. I do have friends that are silver III-I atm, i usually go 1v1them to tell their mistakes and even without runes or masteries I stomp them. So the thing is: no matter what lvl you're, what streams you watch, what runes or masteries you use, what guides you've been reading you still need practise, and practise vs strong players, not silver soloQ, I hope I answered your question.
Originally Posted by zygrQck View Post

Doesn't change the fact that you think you're better than everyone here because you're plat, most of your posts here have been to prove your supiriority over the others.
The advice you offer doesn't really help anyone either, sure, unorthodox picks sometimes work, but teaching that to someone who should advance first doesn't really change anything
And no, never play ad soraka, never.
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
So I'm bronze 4 and my laptop charger broke, use my brother's laptop occasionally. I went into an ARAM and got Rammus.. Looked up a troll ap/tanky build, got a triple kill, if I had my Thornmail it would've been a quadra. But yeah, dealt tons of damage
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Originally Posted by zygrQck View Post
[stuff here]

There's a difference between giving advise, and immediately considering yourself better than all of us here.

Not only are leagues a very cheap way to compare your skill to ours, but you somehow considered us to be silvers. Well guess what, some of us aren't.

This thread is for everyone to compare notes, talk about the game in general and everything else that doesn't have to do with "yo, I'm better than you, let me give you advice cause you suck".

Please keep talking about skill levels to a null, and onwards to discussing the game and your experiences in the game.

P.S. : You still have yet to tell us your server/summoner name.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by zygrQck View Post
Mechanics and game knowledge. I tested everything, I scrimmed versus strong players to improve myself.


So the thing is: no matter what lvl you're, what streams you watch, what runes or masteries you use, what guides you've been reading you still need practise, and practise vs strong players, not silver soloQ, I hope I answered your question.

Hm, this is the same for pretty much everything in life. I don't think anyone thinks "oh I just have to play rank all day every day and I will get better", that's a joke. Testing, fighting people stronger than you, theorycrafting mechanics and analyzing games is the way you get stronger.

Regardless as to whether people are just going to accept what you say, they should definitely go do these things for themselves.

If you want to get better at cs just play 100 games and only focus on cs. It will be so burned in to your mind you can do it while catching up on some anime in your second monitor. ZSMJ can last hit /and/ deny perfectly while maintaining map awareness and holding a conversation.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by zygrQck View Post
Ok, tried to give a tip, you know it better, silvers... People at my elo even go ad thresh, blitz bot combo and no one laughts. People pick up ad runes on gragas and it's ok, but ofc you have more experience and I hope you will reach diamond as soon as possible

I was gold(few games from platinum) if that makes you feel better. Sold my first account for a few bucks to my class-mate, because I've mained only a few champions champions and felt like starting over. And from my own experience I can tell you that division doesn't matter at all, I was platinum...With my second account I struggled like hell to get out of elo hell(that is bronze) and now I'm making my way from silver again, tho I'll most likely be here for awhile.

Thresh and blitzcrank is a very well known effective troll bot lane and you put it like we "low-elo thrashes" are not aware of it. I find it to be extremely sad if people at your "epic elo" goes for such lane instead of playing normally like they should. If going for Thresh+Blitz lane makes you pro, I'll better stay in silver for the rest of my life. Your arguments are just plain retarded.

Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
Because that's not how you learn. You don't immediately hop into the hardest thing in order to learn. You don't immediately try the hardest trick if you are trying to learn magic. You don't immediately try to learn the hardest song if you're a musician. You learn easier things and work your way up. If ad runes are what you have to do, then that's what you have to do. It's how you learn. It's no different with league. It's very easy to say what you said when you know how to play the game. But think back to when you started playing league or another moba.

No, that's exactly how you learn in this case. Did you even read my post? You have to take early pressure/harass etc into consideration. Random runes won't win you the lane.

TSM Dyrus: "Player who does not have proper runes deserves to stay in bronze".

Words of wisdom if you ask me.

While zygrQck continues with his bullshit stories, I'll better listen to a player which I am pretty sure has a better knowledge than him, even if he claims to have tested everything or whatever.
Originally Posted by zygrQck View Post
Lolmao. Oh well, ok. I see that everyone here are so good at this game. Dunno why u can't reach at least gold then. Also, I won't win even with the best runes set versus no runes lcs player, same like you won't win with any runes versus me without runes. Runes is just early advantage. If u suck at cs'ing take ad and get advantage at the part where you're bad. Cause late game that +15 ap means nothing while +15 ad gave you over 150cs.
Also, I wouldn't go ad runes by my own on my acc. Why? Because I can last hit and practised that way years ago, guess why I am not in that low league now.

Well, if we're all so good why do you keep being an ignorant and arrogant prick and teaching us? All your posts are about how bad people in this thread are and how good you are. I bet that half of the people here would beat you easily with equal runes, so stick your arrogance to one dark place. And you completely ignored my arguments about harass and pressure. I couldn't even call this a discussion since you repeat the same non-sense over and over again.

I'm done here.
Last edited by Kristis133; Mar 6, 2014 at 01:22 PM.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Originally Posted by zygrQck View Post
Lolmao. Oh well, ok. I see that everyone here are so good at this game. Dunno why u can't reach at least gold then. Also, I won't win even with the best runes set versus no runes lcs player, same like you won't win with any runes versus me without runes. Runes is just early advantage. If u suck at cs'ing take ad and get advantage at the part where you're bad. Cause late game that +15 ap means nothing while +15 ad gave you over 150cs.
Also, I wouldn't go ad runes by my own on my acc. Why? Because I can last hit and practised that way years ago, guess why I am not in that low league now.

because i got lazy in season 2 and let my ELO drop from 1310 to 1170.

then stopped giving a damn about ranked TBH until jinx, which i then shot up from B4-B1 in 3 days (5 hours days btw) just before pre-season ended i got silver 5, and have stayed over silver 5 thoughout this season so far, hell, i don't play 24/7, i play probably max 6-7 hours a day if at all, then theres the fact that you say "oh, but see adc raka or ap xin" niqqa plz, i was playing (and still do play) AD kennen. play AP sona mid, AD lulu, AP lulu top (screw mid lulu, not gunna be called a fanboy for that) Teemo ADC in season 2, must i continue? if you think you're so "pro" tell me why you A, haven't given us your server/summoner name and B, can't actually provide sound advice.
