ok man whatever you say i made a youtube vid of me this guy alick mad eit i know its in footmod but its old i don't do replays in footmod anymore i do them in footmod but not anymore i do my replays in classic now if you want to see my classic replays just tell me.
here is the link
Last edited by link8; Dec 14, 2010 at 04:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Here's a cool grammar tip.

"a" before consonants and "an" before vowels is not correct.

"a" before consonant sounds and "an" before vowel sounds is correct.

For example, you don't score an one hundred on a test if you get all the answers right on a hour long test.

you score a one hundred on a test if you get all the answers right on an hour long test.

Just so you can be extra nazi ish
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Das macht nicht so viel spaβ.. ICH MOCHTE MEIN SCHOKOLADENMILCH >:|

ooh ooh iz ah yus fram meh
i got banned from irc but i didn't spam they just don't like me there because echoforce be there and echoforce don't like me but i don't spam there i just asked people things that i need help with and they just don't like to answer them so they kick and ban me but no thats not true that i spammed but i did get banned for the reason i don't understand it if they don't want to answer the question just tell me and i will stop people just act retarded
o and what is a grammer?
o and did orfeas give me a yes? and if my gramme ris bad how do i make it better

lololololololololololololol i unno wut gramar iz? O:
Last edited by Ruadhan; Dec 14, 2010 at 11:50 PM.
Originally Posted by link8 View Post
o and what is a grammer?

lololololololololololololol i unno wut gramar iz? O:

This decided it for me...

Rejected, sorry.
Quit, probably.
Your name*:Elfax
Age (must be over 13. No lying, we will find out)*:14
Belt (2nd Dan Black Belt +) *:master belt
Posts (must be over 350)*:100 and some thing because of the hack
How many hours a day you play:mabey 2hours im mor of a forum guy
Past Clans:none
The longest time you spent in a clan (not nessacery, but it will help your chances of getting into the clan): 0
Best Mod*: probs judo
Ban/infraction history*:none
Anything you can contribute to the clan (art, textures, fighting, items, tc, etc. If textures, please post examples)*:im good at buy cool texture sets and other wise tc
Active ingame/forums/IRC*:yes
Why do you want do Join?*:because i have always wanted to be in a clan and i love this 1 i want to have a good name in game so yer thats why
Replays you have made (not nessacery):sorry thay are on my net book
User Card:
Last edited by Shade; Dec 15, 2010 at 01:54 AM.
~ [Tribe]Shade ~
We've become popular lately. So, who was the first person in this clan that you knew?
Last edited by TomPaine; Dec 15, 2010 at 02:42 AM.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz