Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Been playing a lot of TF just bought him today, really fun but lost them all despite doing double my kills over deaths. Ah well, he is a bit tricky but I like that :')
His teleporting is a bitch when he's like chasing you an appears right in front of you and you can't so anything about it. I hate that so much.
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Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
Yes, the Trinity Force does have a ton of benefits but wouldn't you rather have higher stats over multiple items instead of one with many weaker stats? To me the idea of building is so you have great stats with multiple items. I suppose you could buy 5 Trinity Forces but then the Passover go to waste and the output multiples would still be much higher. 30 AP doesn't add a on of damage but a Rabadon's adds 30% more and 120 AP. It's a great item yes, but there are much better ones that master one ability or something such as Guardian Angel specializes in defence like Warmog's Armor and they have about 10 times the defense as a Trinity Force. Same goes for damage or attack speed item and so in. That's just my rationale. Sorry if it doesn't make sense. I tried to make it as clear as possible

To me the largest thing going for Trinity Force is that the components to building it up all are really economic and useful. You never have to wait for a long period of time without getting a benefit from the gold you farmed.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
You are purely looking at the stats and completely ignoring the TF's passives. Yes, a rabadon gives 120 + 30% AP, yes the warmog gives a ton of HP, yeah an IE gives more crit chance and damage, but will you buy a warmogs on an adc? Or a rabadon? Let's say you buy BT - IE - PD/Shiv - LW etc... (regular adc build). Right now, you have almost no way to kite except with abilities and the extra Ms provided by boots and PD/shiv, your burst didn't start shining except after the 30-ish minute mark if not more, until you got enough items. You are practically vulnerable to all and any assassin/tank regardless of them being fed or not, because you know, you're an adc. If you would've already had your TF, not only would you be able to potential burst them down fast enough instead of hopelessly running away, as well as actually be able to run away/chase much... much more effectively.

Don't look at the stats, you just managed to burst a mage/assassin down as well as potentially dodge their abilities and kiting them, only by utilizing the passives.

Add the decent/great AS and AD and you just became a threat.

When someone's looking to catch you off guard/gank you, they'll look at your items and see a BT. All they are going to think is you're completely vulnerable and squishy, you have no DPS, you'll hardly going to land a couple attacks before you get one shot.

Now if they see the Trinity, they'll realize that you're going to kite the fuck out of them, out run them and possibly even going away with a kill.

Having a trinity on, for example, lucian, is the most terrifying thing you can see, people WILL think twice about attempting to 100-0 you, and if they don't, they just walked into a fight to the death instead of a guaranteed and easy kill.

Buy a phage, you get pretty damn good damage early game and kiting potential.
Buy a sheen, you get great burst early game and late game.
Buy a zeal, you get even more kiting potential, decent attack speed and a bit of crit chance as icing on the cake.
Having each of these items alone makes you a decent threat, buy them all together makes you an early game menace. Now combine them all to only occupy one item slot and ONLY add 3 gold. Might as well say add nothing. You just punched them in the face, and they have yet to see the 5 other items you're about to dish out.

And on a completely unrelated note :

What better champion to have my 1000th win with. 4 digits!!

Last edited by EJM; Feb 27, 2014 at 11:36 PM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Vel'Koz - the only person that can match Sona's insane poke.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
To me the largest thing going for Trinity Force is that the components to building it up all are really economic and useful. You never have to wait for a long period of time without getting a benefit from the gold you farmed.

But to me it seems like buying a trinity force is like buying a bunch of beginning items just condensed into one item. Wouldn't it be better to not be as economic but not for staggered purchases that add things periodically?
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
I don't get why everybody has a hardon for Vel'Koz. His possible damage output is good, but his skill cap is way too high to justify the amount of damage it provides. Either he needs more reward on his q split, as it's probably the most difficult skill shot in the game, or he needs the q split to be easier. Like I've mentioned before, his q detonation into split is way too long, it almost feels like a half a second at times, and it's piss hard to aim it because it's incredibly difficult to visualize the secondary range from the split. Combined with the fact you'd have to lead the shot substantially to make it even hit, it's almost completely useless out of it's primary range.

His w is strong, but really clunky and the inability to fire off a rapid 2 shot of it because of it's 1.5-ish second cd between shots makes it a reliable, but lackluster ability.

His e is GREAT. It's way too fast for the utility it provides, and it scales pretty well. It also is the core setup ability, so it's definitely a sensitive place to modify, but I feel it would have been better if they hit the e's speed and made the q and w buffed to compensate for it.

And of course, super mega death laser is awesome, but it's only really good because it deals a free 1000 damage in a second. It's much shorter than I expected it to be, but it's really brutal if you miss it at all, and it feels really out of place from his first two abilities.

Like I've mentioned before, I feel like they put too much power in the wrong abilities and made signature moves either gimped or out of place. He doesn't feel cohesive, but rather like several interesting ideas forced into a poor mash up. His q feels completely out of place, his w feels non-existent, and his r almost feels like a letdown because there's only one move it has real synergy with, and that's because e has perfect synergy with almost anything.

Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
But to me it seems like buying a trinity force is like buying a bunch of beginning items just condensed into one item. Wouldn't it be better to not be as economic but not for staggered purchases that add things periodically?

TF is gold efficient before you even count it's passives. IE is not gold efficient until it's passive is taken into account, and it has to provide at least 30 gold worth of extra damage on crits to become gold efficient. Which is easy, but the point is that in terms of gold efficiency, TF has one of the highest. It also provides a boost in strength for every component purchased, so it basically pays for itself.
Last edited by Oracle; Feb 28, 2014 at 02:24 AM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
On the topic of the Trinity Force...

All those stats that hardly do anything you mean? I just don't see the point of a "jack of all trades, master of none" item because then, sure, you'll have a ton of stats but you'll never be incredibly powerful because there's not that much going on. It's like saying a Doran's Blade is a great late-game item.
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