Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i dont think so

i mean i understand that he was trying to say that trinity force doesn't scale deep in any single direction like a lot of other big items do, but at the same time if you're talking about trinity on ezreal or lucian, it's a whole diferent thing because granted that you're gonna utilize the item's passive, it scales like stupid with those champions. as well as it's one of the better items when you wanna deal damage on champions that don't deal a lot of damage, which is mostly tanks(pls not lee sin).

also i honestly dont even like trinity as a late game item(when ur 6 items) on ad carry either, but only because i'd take bonus 20% crit chance and AS as an ad with IE anyday over all the stats from trinity
Last edited by leyz; Feb 27, 2014 at 12:48 AM.
I'd rather have the guaranteed bonus damage from tf procs and increased mobility for kiting from the phage proc and the increased overall survivability than none of the passives with only a 20% bonus crit chance and a 20% attack speed bonus with ignoring unit collision and no other stat buffs. Since the majority of adc perform spell weaving anyways as you become mechanically more proficient with them, it only seems logical to take advantage of the bonus it provides.

Since the comparison is IE + TF vs IE + PD, it really just comes down to who benefits more from increased attack speed and less spell weaving involved in their kit. For some it's a fairly obvious choice, like Varus, Trist, Cait or Jinx who mainly use their spells as combo enders or as space control would naturally benefit more from a PD over a TF. However, a lot of adc have spells that they mix inbetween attack animations for added damage. Examples would be something like Graves' Q and E, Ashe's W, MF's Q, Sivir's Q and W, Draven's W, Kog's R, Vayne's Q, EZ's everything, and so on and so forth. All of these spells either have low cd or have spells to fill in the gap of another spell's cd. And all adc are position reliant, so the rage passive from TF is incredibly useful regardless.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
thing is crits scale with ad so unless you have some sort of a weird build with very low ad numbers, which is unlikely for an ad carry, having your autos critting 20% more often and attacking a little bit more overall hurts more and mobility only really gives you any difference at all if you're some sort of a mechanical god ad carry(you still get a lot of mobility from PD)
Last edited by leyz; Feb 27, 2014 at 02:00 AM.
Holy cow.

Hyde helped me flesh out a better start up build for Twitch.

Went into ranked with it.

Got a 20 minute CC like you wouldn't believe.


Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!

wowzers i finally got past that point lol

inb4 demoted in 2 games
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Holy cow.

Hyde helped me flesh out a better start up build for Twitch.

Went into ranked with it.

Got a 20 minute CC like you wouldn't believe.


well you generally wanna build something like a BT/LW or BT/PD as your first 2 items on almost every ad carry, sometimes bork over BT but i honestly dont even remember the last time i bought that on an ad carry
Last edited by leyz; Feb 27, 2014 at 04:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Getting LP decay and the fucks given are still zero. It's so bothersome doing this league system, I want elo back .-.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
That's 3 promotional series I've lost in a row.

Fucking fantastic.

I can't win these things when even just one person on my team is pants on head retarded. I don't get it. Had a blitzcrank feed the second game, and an ahri lose 7-13 mid against VEIGAR this last game.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by leyz View Post
in case it randomly happens that anyone has a lvl30 unranked or whatever rank account on euw which they definitely dont need at all, pls private message me
thx u

someone pls?
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
That's 3 promotional series I've lost in a row.

Fucking fantastic.

I can't win these things when even just one person on my team is pants on head retarded. I don't get it. Had a blitzcrank feed the second game, and an ahri lose 7-13 mid against VEIGAR this last game.

Well, it's being said a thousand times a day by a shitton of people, but here you go:

If you're ever going to play ranked, there should never be a situation in which you would put your loss on other people in your team or even simply call out their mistakes as a deciding factor in your team's defeat. Yes, a lot of the time people in solo rankeds do stuff that you can't describe in any other way than outright stupid, but first off you should care about yourself, if other people are not willing to contribute to your team's victory or even simply fail to do so, then they dont fucking matter for you. You should not try and debate with them over who should or shouldn't have done what, you should not pay any attention to that at all, that does absolutely nothing except for making if not the whole team, then at least you play worse.

It does not matter how many games you lost because of what other people done and it doesn't matter how many promotion series you've lost because of that, i can also guarantee that your own silly mistakes cost other people just as much promotions and lp and those people should never waste their time ever blaming you either because if they actually deserve to climb, they will do so, winning games isn't hard at all and it only gets all so easier when you dont give a fuck about stupid things that happen to you and other people, after all, they regret making stupid mistakes too, it doesn't mean they have to openly accept that, there's no need, and if they dont regret or dont realise their mistakes - they are not going to have easy time climbing the ladder anyway.

If you're going to play solo fucking ranked queue, you're playing it to demonstrate your own ability to contribute to your team's victory and to notice your own mistakes and flaws, not to make notes for yourself about how many times other people fucked up or how fed your opponents in other lanes managed to get before you got to face them in a teamfight.

tldr other people dont matter, care about yourself, tunnel on your own gameplay, at the very least, you should never have 100 cs by 30 minutes mark

i dont know how to divide text into paragraphs lol
Last edited by leyz; Feb 27, 2014 at 09:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
It's easier said than done to play for yourself and be happy with your progress when you're working so hard towards a goal, you're trying to coordinate other people to help towards that goal, and someone so blatantly ruins the experience for you.

Of course, if I get to be super good it won't even matter how bad my teammates are. I bet that if Faker was in Bronze 3 he'd never lose a god damn game. But it's sort of like spending 40 minutes building a house out of cards only for the people you're forced to rely on kicking it down. Could you have built the card house faster? Yeah, there were mistakes you made. Could you have built it more studier? Of course, you're only a bronze 3 house card stacker. But the entire experience gets ruined regardless.

It's hard to not be filled with emotion.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!