Originally Posted by XxscannxX View Post
Hello my username is XxscannxX or you can call me Scann. My real name is Rahmiir and i'm 13 years old. I remember me applying a long time ago, I don't know why but I just did it. I was a newb at the time so yeah. The mod i'm best at is Greykido.tmb or aikidobigdojo.tmb. I play mushu alittle but it's not my fav mod :/ I believe I should be in this clan because: 1- i'm very nice and cheerful. 2- I am very helpful in wars. 3- I can be very strong at times. 4- I know how to spar and parkour. I will send 1 or more replay to the replay section of Check it out because it's to show how strong I can be. BTW i'm a third stage black belt. Almost forgot.... sincerely XxscannxX

Originally Posted by imaslayaa View Post
Hey there! Yeah, I am back.
I applied a few weeks ago with a terribly short application.
So I am here to do it again, correctly this time.
So lets kick this off.
I'm(aSlayaa) a young New Zealander named William who loves playing toribash and loves making awful puns. I have been playing since November 2012, I took a 3 month break towards the middle of 2013. Things I do when not playing toribash include football(Soccer for you americans) and playing minecraft. I live in New Zealand so my gmt is +12. Mods I have gotten quite good at are aikido(and aikido based mods greykido, abd etc), lenshu3ng and wushu. One thing that might destroy my chances is that I am 12(Yet very mature don't worry)My skype is will.toon1

My win ratio is 52.74% it isn't perfect but it is above 50% so I am proud. my player card: I have an alt "NZFTW" and I put it in my friends clan, and I help him with clan wars won a few clan wars in that clan for him, I am currently a replay maker in training(look in attached files).I am very active both in-game and on the forums, my post count is low because I have only been interested in the forums for a short amount of time. I enjoy dueling and betting in-game.

Why obey you might ask? I think obey is one of the most active and skill based clan in the game! Watching members like kolorz, hattersin and platabear fight in game is spectacular! very nice saves and just cool in general.

Thanks for considering!

*Edit Notice High Grav Combat Is A Replay Made In Sp And Not Mp

Denied, sorry.
my nam is rolan, i gud at dis game. accept me pls

Putting that shit aside.

My Name is Roland, as it is in my ingame name(not that anyone really cares)

I'm a Canadian 19 year old faggot, I really love bacon and poop.
I've been told I have anger management issues, don't know why. but everytime I play Halo or Battlefield I tend to get really mad ''WOT FAGOOT U BEET ME? FITE ME IRL N U GIT REKD", but overall I'm a nice guy unless people piss me the fuck off asdasdasd. You guy's want my phone number or credit card? Willing to send.
In middle school I was home-schooled for atleast 2 years until I was able to go to high school, because I had Eczema(dry skin), making it really hard to maintain under hot temperatures.

GMT is 9-.. Or -9.

My favourite mod is Aikidobigdojo, but That doesn't mean I'm good at it:v. I also spar alot too.

hi dirty cactus via hats via hatter via hattersin.

Attached Files
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
denied by
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Cheshyre View Post
Hey there Im Luna! Im a 3rd Dan Black Belt...kinda sucks but not too shabby! Im 20 years old, and my GMT is -8. I live in Phoenix, Arizona and I only live here for the sheer fact that my job is here! Even though i wanna move really bad! I got Ranked 3rd in Kickboxing, under 2000 Globally and I Ive gotten quite a lot better at Aikido Big Dojo Im a club DJ here in AZ! Come to The Mint if u wanna hear me perform! Btw i have severe OCD when it comes to grammar... :/ Thanks for reading!! I dunno how to add a replay....plz don't hurt me... thought i had won a few Tourneys too! But apparently those weren't TC Awarding Tourney's or something according to a buddy Dx Sorry bout that...

I love cats....

If you would like more info plz just ask! Thanks!

ya i believe u
Obey Clan Application
Hello Obey clan my name is Andy Smith. My age is 20. Im a 4th dan black belt :3. My GMT is -6. My competitive mods are ninjutsu and pretty much any aikido mod. I love toribash and have been playing since 2012. I love music. My favorite band is Motionless in White \m/. I also play drums. I also love to cook so i hope to get a profession in one of those categories. Kolorz actually told me to apply after my TBN debut in the tplmod beta tournament. I thought it was pretty awesome that my first match on TBN was given its own video as an epic match on lesduncans channel . anyways thank you so much for reading and i hope this application meets your standards. I was never good at all in english class...




ninjutsu .rpl



nice win.rpl

good fuight.rpl
  • Name:Jeremiah
  • Age:12
  • GMT:Eastern
  • Replays
  • Competitive game modes (we do not include judo): My most competetive game mode is xspar
  • Some general stuff about yourself (we want to know about you):I used to own a clan called Vengence untill the clan started falling apart slowly because of res. I have been playing toribash for about 3 years since 2011 .
  • And if possible, make it as thorough and interesting as possible
Last edited by jeremiah3342elm; Jun 8, 2014 at 09:03 PM.
Originally Posted by jeremiah3342elm View Post
  • Name:Jeremiah
  • Age:12
  • GMT:Eastern
  • Replays
  • Competitive game modes (we do not include judo): My most competetive game mode is xspar
  • Some general stuff about yourself (we want to know about you):I used to own a clan called Vengence untill the clan started falling apart slowly because of res. I have been playing toribash for about 3 years since 2011 .
  • And if possible, make it as thorough and interesting as possible

Maybe reading the OP is a good idea, Idk?
small hands