Taekwondo1 was deff yr best imo...keeping moving in that direction - you've got lots going for you, just up yr skillzzz

is a no for now from me
Guys now i can MAKE mods can that makeme be in?
Do you want really good info on things like how much something is or how to grab a friend? Then you should ask me about them or other questions!
Start a thread in wibbles first with your application. Our members will respond to you shortly.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
may i join i think you guys(URBAN) are a bunch of awsome poeple
my mods are-Judo-Wushu-Running-Akido-ParkourMods-anything else you name it
My weakness- JOUSTING but i hate it so it does not matter
My Information-I'm 16 My name is Miguel Peiro And I am now an orange belt but My old Account has been hacked i was 3rdan but ive started new (well i was forced to) and i have really good skill but I'm not there yet i want to reach my MAX and i feel like I'm ready for this clan my favorite ice cream is vanilla and I geusse thats all i can say
PS:Please WRITE back to me if i can join by message