Demon and iMOD3RN15, we are disscussing about you in secret forums.

Deciding may takes even 2/3monthes or more.
I hope u be ok with this.

Check this thread for more infos.

The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
Originally Posted by Demon View Post
Aparently I am banned from JOllyR and like already applied for vibe

Just go with your app to vibe. See how you like it, and if not, re apply to here. Apparently I miscommunicated the whole business.
Hippy said that you are banned,but this isn't the truth.I can't ban peole from jollyr,like anyone else can do it.
I can only vote no to you,and i already explained directly to you my reasons.I don't have anything particular against you,but i will never vote "yes" to someone who did what you did to a Jolly
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Hippy wanted just to say that isn't true that you are banned forever from Jolly.But this don't mean that you will join:you can apply all the times you want,but probabily you will be ever rejected for what you did(but maybe in the time you can try to re-build your fame),and for the qi buying
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
I was in Fr3styL then left due to inactivity and general immatureness of their members. I was kicked from Tint because they are a shitty clan and I said so, I tried my ass off to help tint, I leopard to kick inactive members, I tried to make new and interesting threads to get the members to post.

I proposed to hold interclan tourneys and tourneys for the community held by Tint to help the rep, but nothing work, then after I said kristis was a soft leader, which he was I was removed, although I don't consider it a real big loss. I shouldn't have joined them, but toast personally asked me to join.

Then once I was clanless Vman45 came and personally asked me to join Guardians, and once again I was so excited by their forums activity, then due to their general immaturity and inactivity ingame, however they had way too many low belt members that it was more of a group than a clan an I did not like that and I tried to help them, but to no avail then I got to talking to Rappunk (an allied clan leader) and he convinced me that he was a better leader than Guradian's so I went there and he promised me he had a tight clan and he would be onto of things.

they were a mature community however just too inscribe for me, Essence has about 40 members, only about 10 of them read the forums, only about 4 of us posted and one of our most active forums members wasn't even in the clan, then into of this in te couple months I was ingame in Guardians, I only saw 1 member ingame 1 time. Also if I was banned it would have been in 08, but I cannot remember back that far as to say if I was or not, and as for account dueling.

some random came into my server demanding a duel and I messed with him and said aikidobigdojo for your account, then I never said a single thing after that wether or not he agreed, the. Fachry dueled him for like all the TC on his account, I think he dueled Demon to be honest. So that's the truth, I don't join clans just to leave them, but everyone wants iMOD3RN15 in their clan so I join and I do my part, I win tourneys and duels wearing the tag I AM always the most active member of the forums and I always propose ways to help the clan, but it falls on deaf ears since leaders don't wanna kick players that gave no notice and hadn't even posted 1 time in 5+ months
Last edited by iMOD3RN15; Sep 19, 2011 at 07:17 PM. Reason: This should help.
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