We don't know why she want's it, she said she wanted you to meet her parents in the Empire. Luna has that spell on her so we can't read her, she says it's rude to spy on guests.
Leader of nothing
Well. Thats Really Not The Deal... She Just Wants Blueprints From the Internet From the Computer. She Honeslty Doenst Care About Me.

I don't know, it's nice she wants to be with you... Just see what happens after she gets her blueprints :c
Leader of nothing
After That. She Gets Them Gets A Gun Becomes A Wing Takes Over Equesrta And Ill Just Sitt There Whit No One Careing About Me... Shes Sayign It Now. Shes Not Doign it Even For Me

I can't do anything about it, we're already in lockdown because of Chrysalis. If it happens... I don't know :c
Leader of nothing