She gains 9 range per level and starts off with 550.

Ashe has 600, Caitlyn has 650.

Tristana has more range than Ashe at level 7 with 604. She beats Caitlyn at level 13 with 658 range.

In case you're curious, Tristana has 703 range at level 18. 153 comes from her passive.

and also, right now corki isnt very good, that isn't that you can't win with him, but he's not in a great spot as far as competitive play. if you enjoy him then play him although personally i like draven or caitlyn or lucian against jinx instead of corki but play whoever you enjoy c:

Originally Posted by Echoforce View Post
She gains 9 range per level and starts off with 550.

Ashe has 600, Caitlyn has 650.

Tristana has more range than Ashe at level 7 with 604. She beats Caitlyn at level 13 with 658 range.

In case you're curious, Tristana has 703 range at level 18. 153 comes from her passive.

and also, right now corki isnt very good, that isn't that you can't win with him, but he's not in a great spot as far as competitive play. if you enjoy him then play him although personally i like draven or caitlyn or lucian against jinx instead of corki but play whoever you enjoy c:

I can't afford 6300 IP champions, nor should I be working towards that because I still lack like 2 yellows, all my blues, and 2 quintessence runes

Started 0-2 bottom against Sivir/Thresh vs. Corki/Leona. Sivir proceeds to say I'm the worst Corki in North America.

But Then...

Hot damn
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Echoforce View Post
that's lolnexus, a game scouter to see elo/runes/masteries/win:loss rates and everything for people in games

Ah, so it's similar to LoL King? I use whenever I need to look up stuff relating to elo's and shit. The model viewer on that site is also very useful.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
LolNexus redirects you to Lolking if you click on a summoner name. It's also faster to check who you're playing against (level, tier, ...).
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Ryan spent a good 45 minutes to an hour 30 scrimmaging me and helping me understand the value of counterpicks.

Well I had the hardest time against one specific ADC: Jinx

What I do? I researched who is jinx weak against. I came up with Corki as a good solution.

Learning counterpicks is good, but learning WHY something is a counterpick allows you to discover new shit that could actually be meta changing.

First, you describe the champ you want to counterpick. For Jinx, she's a hyper carry adc with low initial mobility and damage, which scales as the fight progresses. She has her highest damage output in close range, though capable of dealing long range damage with good zoning tools, along with strong burst potential. This fairly accurately describes Jinx.

Now, you break it down into what counters each individual part. There are very few hard counters in league, solely because most champions are multi-faceted and cover weaknesses with strengths in other areas. What you try to find is something that counters the important parts of the champion, or the parts you want/need to mitigate.

Hyper carries are very item-dependent champions. They usually suffer in the early game with somewhat poor overall fighting capabilities, and are very vulnerable to being outplayed or bullied. Combined with her low mobility and cc at early levels, means she is best shut down early, and hard. Naturally, you want a lane bully then, preferably one that can capitalize on Jinx's somewhat lackluster early range. Commonly, this would be something like Cait or Lucien, though it can be fulfilled somewhat by someone like Draven, MF, EZ, or Sivir.

The above deals with the early game of hyper carries, but now you need something for the late game. Since Jinx has her highest damage output in her minigun range, you typically want to stay out of that range. Again, Cait fits this very well. Because of this, I view Cait as one of the top counters to Jinx ONLY if you have a support that can facilitate a bully, solely because Cait can't effectively keep up with Jinx as the game goes on; it requires an early win with her. Thresh, Leona, Annie, and Blitz support would allow Cait as a viable counterpick because of the huge pressure they provide. Taric also works in theory because, while not as easy to provide pressure, he makes up for it with better sustain and protection. All of them are also somewhat tanky in lane, so they can brawl better in the early bullying.

Jinx is one of those weird champions that gets countered by what other lanes pick. She's still a relatively safe champion overall, as she has no true hard counters in lane, as it's mainly supports who can make her laning difficult. She's pretty squishy though, so a heavy dive comp is what's best to counter her. By that logic, Sivir has a special place as a soft counter because her ult can facilitate such dive comps.

tl;dr: she's one of the safest champions out there right now, so most counterpicks to her are in other lanes. Get jungle help early, and try to shut her down hard so you can prevent her from farming her items. That's really the best counter you have to her.
Last edited by Oracle; Feb 20, 2014 at 06:56 AM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
This hexakill though. Early teamfights just did not end, whenever someone dies, he respawns and joins the fight that he died in, we literally fought for a full 3 minutes the first time we all caught each other next to baron pit, and everyone just joined back before the fight ended.

Pretty fun stuff.


<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

The Headache continues X.x

Enter my promotional games.

Round 1: We barely win, having played a 4v5 the entire game. Our mid decided to leave at level 1.

Round 2: We lose, Vi decides to go 1-15 and speak a different language

Round 3: We lose, Nobody has a clue how to group up, they keep taking objectives and splitpushing while we twiddle thumbs

End result: No promotion

Followed by another 4v5 from the start, lost 19 LP, despite starting the game 8-1 as Twitch X.x
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!