Originally Posted by Tabby View Post
The one that used Hive Jump stuff I liked personally.

ah yeah, dont have the images anymore tho sadly
Originally Posted by Elite View Post
ah yeah, dont have the images anymore tho sadly

Aw, tough luck I suppose :/
Last edited by tabby; Nov 13, 2017 at 04:31 AM. Reason: no one saw that ok
Originally Posted by Elite View Post
I made a new forum set, i like it lol

You ever going to get the Fl0w usertitle?
I'm the Event Squad Admin. I am also an ex-Clan Squad member. Have any questions about clans or otherwise? PM me.


Discord: Typhus#0201
splish splash Aeon is still trash
Originally Posted by Typhon View Post
You ever going to get the Fl0w usertitle?

maybe once ive been here for a bit, then i'll talk to smogard or something about it
Originally Posted by Elite View Post
I don't know why im awake honestly

Well, goodnight/morning(?) I guess.

EDIT: Heading off to school right now, will be home in 7 hours.
Last edited by tabby; Nov 13, 2017 at 09:32 AM.
Originally Posted by Tabby View Post
Well, goodnight/morning(?) I guess.

EDIT: Heading off to school right now, will be home in 7 hours.

morning lol, it's 5/6 am currently and i haven't got any sleep.