At first, State you readed the rules and you accept all of them: Yes, I have read the rules.

State what mods you can play: I am proficient in Wushu, Aikido and Tk.

State whats your belt (At least 7th Dan): I am a custom belt.matter and things along that line.
State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger: All of you guys are quite talented and respected. My reason for joining is because I have been serching for a clan for some time. Applying for Omegam being in Otium and guardians but I have not found a clan that suits me. JollyR, is more then just a clan you guys are all really good friends and have each others back. This is more of just a group of skilled players that like to share the same tag. Unlike most leaders Brucia and neon do not tell you guys what to do, they expect you to already know about respect and loyalty.

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of. Otium and Guardians

State why u left that clan:
I didn't feel like I fit in, there personalities are a lot different then mine.

State if you had any earlier accounts: Tume, this is the account I post on sometimes, this account has Toriprime and vip so I do not want it to got to waste.

State what happened to those accounts
. Nothing.

State if you have bought Qi. I bought qi, at the time I thought this was the only way I could support Toribash, I also wanted to buy pure and Void. At the time I did not know buying qi was frowend upon. I always heard people say belt does not matter and things along that line. I bought 19k. After I found out that qi buying was frowned upon I worked hard to develope my skills faster then a normal players. I have trained with hxcbbqimo(Aikido) Stickicide(aikido) Dex/silco/sil (aikido) and SuperJojo (Wushu) I have trained hard, by reading tutorials and practicing hard. I hope that me buying qi does not get me auto rejected.

State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original accoun:

State past infractions/bans: Rkg Stole my account and tried selling it and do to me reporting the account was shut down/banned till proven owner appeared(me)

State your timezone:

State your age:

Forum activity:10

In game avtivity

And finally state something about youself,that you would like us to know:
I applied to join eVo, I played with them worked hard for them to like me especially tripstone. I was in a server with trip while he was on one of his childish rants about a new recruit and a problem he had with hippybob. He told me to take his side as I did, just so I could get accepted. He told me to lie to brucia about hippybob. Told me to tell Brucia that hippy was flaming me being racist etc... LIke a total dumbass I did, because me wanting to join got the best of me and I did not think about what I was doing. This was a very bad thing to do and I feel really bad that I did it. I want to apologize again in hopes that you guys will let me take part in this clan. At the time I did not see tripstones childish ways.

I am so sorry hippy, you were never mean. You are always nice to me and to anybody else.

Brucia: I shouldn't have lied but I wanted in that clan so bad and I told my self I would do anything to impress the leader. I am sorry
Last edited by Parasite; Sep 19, 2011 at 11:53 AM.
I have read and I accept the terms and conditions of the clan requirments.

Mods: I play everything, however i prefer to play aikido.
Belt: Custom Belt
Reason You Want To Join: Well i was in JollyRoger back when it first started I was here and after some disputes involving the clan and Athens I left, but by recently playing with Buyakia and Neon I realized how I missed being in this clan, the Forums Active, Ingame Active and well respected clan you have all grown to be.
Previous Clans: JollyRoger, DAT, Tint
Why You Left: any clan i have left hs been because of their immaturity or the lack of activity ingame and on the forums or the combination of both, I am way too active to be on everyday and not be able to play with my clan mates and have something to look forward to.
Alternate Accounts: I have had NO other accounts.
Have You Ever Bought QI: Nope.
Have You Ever Bought An Account: Nope.

State Past Infractions/Bans:
i think i have had 4 minor infractions for suppposedly useless post, however they we're all on topic.
State Your Timezone:Lancaster, Pennsylvania is GMT/UTC - 5h during Standard Time
Lancaster, Pennsylvania is GMT/UTC - 4h during Daylight Saving Time
State Your Age: 18 years old.
Forum Activity (on a scale of 0-10): 9/10
In game Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 8/10
Vouchers: None yet, but feel free to vouch for me if you please.

About Me: I am a very organized person I just graduated highschool and am leaving to go to Chicago University in 2 years.I have been playing drums for nearly 8 years now and despite my activity I am outside all day long I play basketball daily and hang with friends, if I am not out for the night I will just play toribash (I don't sleep much.)
I N C R E D I B L E H !
@demon: Wait, aren't you the guy with 400 alts and such? At any rate, the story you told about hippybob would be enough to get you rejected in my eyes.

1. You lied about previous clans. You were in Essence for a bit and you recently left it, on bad terms I might add. Apparently, the same thing happened with Tint too. You were also in freestyle or whatever that clan name is lol.
2. I believe I read a report somewhere about you proposing an account duel, which would lead to a permanent ban if it were to happen.
3. Are you sure you were never banned? I might confuse you, but I think that you were banned at least once for having too many infractions or something like that.
4. Could you please tell us of the disputes you had? Some of the newer members might not know about them ( myself included).
Last edited by Zalmoxis; Sep 19, 2011 at 12:23 PM.
Fuck it I knew I would get rejected.
I knew it, Imod wanted me to apply with him XD
Last edited by Parasite; Sep 19, 2011 at 12:16 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump