Yeah, it's a cactus farm. A fucking huge one at that. 2 towers. Each tower has 8 floors with 16 cactus growing on each one.
256 cactus growing at once = tons of cactus
Originally Posted by tertywerty View Post

The best world EVER!!!

HOW?! Did you use word edit or that Photoshop-difference clouds-thingy?
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Dont let this Thread of awesomeness die.
Im ready to build my awesome castle with this software I don't know how to get working with Minecraft!YAY!!!!!
You don't save it as a new inv. You save it into one of your world invs. If you go to "save" it'll let you pick a world.