Hang on. I just remembered something, well half an hour ago.
My relatives are coming from Poland in the next couple weeks, so any time I have on the computer is greatly decreased. That and most of my work was erased when I got a virus on my PC. Most of it was for school, but nicely edited.
We've already asked for one from him long ago.

Nothing happened. He wants to be paid or something, and we don't have the money.

If he's up for it, sure whatevs.

on a side note, I fucking miss this show
Last edited by Marrez; Mar 1, 2013 at 05:46 PM.
the goblin
We should totally make a thread for the vid Or is there already one?
RSO Teacher|Hunters| ThePitcher ~ 2pro4you ~ Jisse ~ Vsauce ~ Fantyful ~ Tamakku ~ Love and hate you all, guys :).