How is everyone doing? Is there situation better than six months ago? If so, what has changed? I would have to say things are really good for me at the moment. My job is really taxing on me because I don't care about it, but it's not really that bad.

I've been making music and writing bits and pieces of poetry. It's really satisfying to get all your weird thoughts into writing, if cringy at first, you eventually figure out how to word it better.
Had a terrible week so far. Full of anxiety, dysphoria and practically no sleep.
So yeah. Hi.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Brubs explain.
Yeah, with me, I started college all happy and stuff with new group of friends then drama happened and basically quite a few people either hate me or dislike me. But on the brightside I've met some awesome people that are true friends and stuff.
I feel like I'm borderline depressed, not quite though.
My girlfriend and I broke up about a month ago, I think a bit longer than that.
I drank my first large amounts of alcohol too lmao that was interesting, I didn't get particularly drunk sadly. Side note, rum tastes reaaallly good it just burns a bit. Mead is okay but it's also pretty strong. A LOT MORE THINGS
Last edited by fluffykat; Oct 30, 2014 at 02:01 AM.
Basically just got hit unusually hard by depression, have had a really hard time doing anything at all for some time now, just had the second meal of the week 5 minutes ago.
Gonna hang out with some friends for a couple of days though, so maybe that'll help a little.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Hey Brubs, you've got to remember that depression makes you focus on bad stuff. Remind yourself of the fact really good shit exists. Treasure each moment that you're enjoying yourself. Eventually you'll lose interest in feeling sad.

Keep your head up lynx.
Just came back home again, feeling much better.
We basically watched movies and just chilled from when I got there until I left, so it was really nice
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
I'm currently in some sort of complicated relationship thing right now with a girl i've been liking for a while and also who has been liking me for a while. It's been weird. She told me about 2 months ago that she was crushing on me and we've been hanging out all the time with that always hanging over our heads and of course i liked her a lot as well. thing is she was 'straight' before she had a crush on me so she's been kinda feeling weird about having feelings for me. plus she's asexual which means she doesn't really care for sex or have a real drive. so last month i told her basically that i liked her too but we still acted like friends but we held hands all the time and i slept in her bed like 3 times a week to cuddle and get close and stuff lol.

but like 2 days ago i asked if it was ok to kiss her and she was like 'yeah' and i was like 'oh okay' and then i did and it was great because wow waiting to do that since forever. so now we're in some weird thing it's not confirmed on anything but idk i hope it can be confirmed. kinda scared because she was technically 'straight' until now so idk if she's sure or not. she seems sure.

lmao anyways i'm rambling about thoughts and feelings
Well sexuality and stuff can be complicated sometimes, sooo I wish you good luck :3

Also, cuddles is where it's at.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3