lol now he cam to rage on our side^^ rofl XD
Originally Posted by Time4Teddy View Post
Which team should I go in?

i think u should go in the art team ^^
Last edited by trybut; Aug 9, 2014 at 08:52 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by trybut View Post
lol now he cam to rage on our side^^

thats ironic XD isnt it?
oh.. but take a look at their clan-thread..
Last edited by BBKing; Aug 9, 2014 at 09:06 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
XD their clan thread has no posts since 4 weeks ago
YAY!!! I am at 200 posts! Remember when I started with 16 posts bbk, well I'm raising it.
Last edited by rcrichman; Aug 10, 2014 at 01:32 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hey BB... so am I on the recruitment team, u well didn't reply to my post... And T4T n Kratos could u help me with my Texturing, I really need a mentor... I know a little bit of Basics but still need a pro to teach me some more. I use Photoshop... n Thnks in advance.
buddyyo, if you want to get into more advanced texturing, download a program called "gimp". Photoshop is good and easy to use, but gimp has more advanced controls and more tools to make your work amazing. So if you can, try and learn gimp. Its free ;)
download gimp:
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
We still need some help.. Host- and Event-Team..

tobreak - rcrichman - Buddyyo12

d3noth - Trybut

Art & Design
Time4Teddy - BeeDooSamm - Kratos2121

Last edited by BBKing; Aug 10, 2014 at 12:30 PM.
Umm... k T4T. I will try n use GIMP, Thnks for the advice. Though I should take time to adjust, I've heard it is much more user-friendly than Photoshop, so it should be easy to handle... I think.