Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Those who do not understand manamune do not realize how useful it is.its more a mid to endgame item. Not made to give insta damage.

Thats why its your 1st item now 2nd or last.

Doesn't help you at all if you can't have the game last that long. It's not viable in all situations.
No, manamune require a teamcomp to cover your lack of damage at early-mid so that the time you spend behind your opponent stacking the item isn't capitalized on hard by the enemy team. You can't afford to die at all when you have the item, otherwise it becomes significantly less viable. You can't afford to trade, because you won't win a trade against somebody who got upfront damage. You basically give up your lane and any pressure you have to get it. That's not worth an extra 100-ish damage you'd get even if you survived to the end of the game.

There's a reason why after it was nerfed the win rate using that item in the LCS plummeted from over 50% to not even 10%. It's also one of the primary reasons why Jayce and Kha lost popularity during that time as well. Their core item was basically shot to the ground.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Its the muramana you are aiming for. to do double your damage each hit for the price of mana.
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
Its the muramana you are aiming for. to do double your damage each hit for the price of mana.

That's not the point. The fact is it takes too long to get that. It creates a 12-20 minute window where you will be around an item or half an item behind your lane counterpart. In that time, the amount of gold you lose from less map pressure counters any gold efficiency one item provides.

Using your logic, you can justify always buying mejai's and soto. It's not the 20 AP or 10 AD, it's the fact that when you get 20 stacks you get 15% cd reduc and 180 ap for only 1200 gold, or 15% ms and 110 ad for only 1200. Doesn't matter that it takes a couple kills to get it, what matters is that when it happens it's totally awesome.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
That's not the point. The fact is it takes too long to get that. It creates a 12-20 minute window where you will be around an item or half an item behind your lane counterpart. In that time, the amount of gold you lose from less map pressure counters any gold efficiency one item provides.

Using your logic, you can justify always buying mejai's and soto. It's not the 20 AP or 10 AD, it's the fact that when you get 20 stacks you get 15% cd reduc and 180 ap for only 1200 gold, or 15% ms and 110 ad for only 1200. Doesn't matter that it takes a couple kills to get it, what matters is that when it happens it's totally awesome.

You also have to look at the reliability of the item. Averaging 10 kills per game for full stacks on mejai's or soto? Very hard to pull off. Averaging 15 minute games, easy peasy.

Also, easy way to not lose map pressure, just have wave clear. If you have any sort of wave clear you can hold out on your objectives for long enough for your item to hit a power spike. Or else, just have a team that can shelter you relatively well.

Point is, you say it as if muramana and archangel's are never viable. They aren't that difficult to pull off correctly, and they both have extremely strong passives that can be game-changing if used correctly.