my name is Keanan.
I live in South Africa
I am 16 and am in high school studying grade 11
I love toribash and play as often as I can
my GMT is +2
I had another acc.(AMNED) but it was hacked by jcmert
I know jire and david and sometimes enter their betting servers
I am mainly and aikido BD player and a aikido player
I can also play judo
I am in school and have limited time on toribash but play as often as is possible
I would really like and official clan and to me C3 is the best because I enjoy playing with your players..
I am friendly and honest and polite and will be an asset to C3
my other intrests are soccer and rugby,
if you have any other questions please ask?
thank you
Iac lets say, hypothetical speaking, we did let you into c3.

Would you spend more time on the forums as well as in game?

Right now I like your application but that's really the only thing I'm worried about.
yeah i am on forums as much as I am able to,
look how many posts my old account had before it got hacked,
and that was in one month
Alright and what exacty happened with the hacking? How did he get your password?

Or is it a legitimate 'hack'?
I don't know, Clow.
Iac, or AMNED is a pretty cool guy.
I think we should let him in, he has my yes.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
i dont how he got it but he effd up my account. and now i cant log on
and ty david
Last edited by iac; Apr 11, 2011 at 07:37 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump