Originally Posted by EQPK View Post
Umm.... I hate to sound mean but, with that kind of application... To put it bluntly I dont even think were going to have a poll about that app.

PSSSH, we're definitely making a poll ;)
I cant tell if that was sarcasm, so im just going to assume it was.
League of Legends > Heroes of Newerth
Yes, you. Fill out the application properly, or we won't even bother putting up a poll for you.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
Lol his avatar is a fucking turn off

Try avoiding such posts in the future, please.
I mean, it's too obvious! Of course his avatar is a turn-off. :3

At least put such obviousness in Wibbles, that what makes the Wibbles active. But lately the obviousness has been taken out of there, that's why it's inactive now.

Just saying, Wibbles needs more posts. :3
Originally Posted by crazylars View Post
Try avoiding such posts in the future, please.
I mean, it's too obvious! Of course his avatar is a turn-off. :3

At least put such obviousness in Wibbles, that what makes the Wibbles active. But lately the obviousness has been taken out of there, that's why it's inactive now.

Just saying, Wibbles needs more posts. :3

Alright sir Lars.
I shall.
Hello all my week trial is over and I really enjoyed this. I was just wondering what my current outcome is in joining Pandora.
All that glitters is gold.