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I like that..

Hobo could you make me a nice desktop picture, I'll PM you a picture of my tori if you can't be hooped to 'dl me.

I'll pay well. ;)
Originally Posted by DaJoka View Post
I say no, simply cuz i dont like you

It really comes down to the leaders, but Joka. If you are going to make bold remarks back them up. We aren't a bunch of cunts.
1.) Im younger than people think (david >_>)
2.) I insult people's grammar when mine sucks (ftmp)
3.) I have tb prime
4.) I once bought 1k QI :v
5.) Im Hispanic
6.) I hate spanish :<
7.) I like cocks
8.) Country music pisses me off
9.) Rap does too :l
10.) I think Decap sucks
11.) My friends are asses
12.) But theyre the best asses i know ;]
13.) #7 is FUCKING lie :v
14.) I write (poems, short stories)
15.) Working on writing a book (planning stage and such)
16.) People think i've been around longer on the forums
17.) Im fucking awesome (admit it :v)
18.) I live in America
19.) I regret #18 :<
20.) Im scared of clowns :|
21.) I want a spot in PT
22.) fucking sucks that Pt signups are closed though
23.) 8th grader
24.) with 9th and 10th grade classes
25.) #24 is no lie :v
26.) I R SMART
27.) Even if i act immature, #26 is true
28.) Spanish people/music/talking pisses me fucking off D:<
29.) #28 is a late run on of #6
30.) I'm not sympathetic/sensitive
31.) I dont give a damn care about anyone except one person *whistles*
32.) I despise whining/begging/complaining about anything from anyone
33.) Nothing can make me rage except a few things *points up to #31*
34.) #30-#34 make me a sound like an arrogant, selfish ass :v
35.) and thats just what i want you think ;] (they are true though)
36.) I think religion is just humans being stupid enough to need something/someone to listen to/go by :l
37.) hence my atheism
39.) I enjoy playing with fire/fireworks/things that go boom
41.) correction to #33: THIS THING MAKES ME RAGE D<
42.) A list of shit i hate would be too long to post :I
43.) Always wanted to know what it would feel like to kill someone (via something slower than a gun and quicker than torture)
44.) Never broken a bone
45.) which is surprising considering all the crazy shit I've done
46.) Rott made me do this
47.) David too
48.) I'm always thinking...
49.) Like, if im talking, im thinking about something else, if someone is talking to me, same, if im thinking about something, im thinking about something else, and i never get lost in thought...
50.) I can multi-task easily
51.) I lost you on #49
52.) I dont preferably enjoy listening to people tell me what to do (parents, school)
53.) had to add 2 more cuz i ran out of room :d

Last edited by DaJoka; Aug 22, 2009 at 05:26 AM.
Originally Posted by DavidFee View Post
It really comes down to the leaders, but Joka. If you are going to make bold remarks back them up. We aren't a bunch of cunts.

Yea, yea, i know :v

Just wanted to say that,
if you want me to back it up, i can
1. Full name is Brenden Welch
2. No, I did not found the juice company :v
3. I've been re-admitted into PT twice now
4. I need to stop going inactive
5. I'm over thinking these answers
6. Its making me take way too long :l
7. <3 Metal + Rock
8. Country "music" fails at life
9. I'm 14, 15 in December
10. Going into 9th grade \o
11. Unlike Nate, I'm not a douche and can keep a girl for more than a month
12. All of my relationship have lasted over 6 months
13. Only had 2 gf's last year
14. The most recent I'm still dating :P
15. She's the first girl I can honestly say I've ever loved
16. I'm betting Nates still stuck at 1st base
17. Douche :v
18. Recently took an official IQ test and scored 146 \o
19. Taking 10th grade English, History, and Science next year
20. Taking 11th grade Math
21. Easiest subject in the world
22. I despise Art class
23. But I love art with a passion
24. My girlfriend has more skill in sketching than me :<
25. But I'm not too bad
26. Should upload something sometime
27. Guitar Hero is by far the best platform game
28. I play in expert \o
29. Used to skateboard a lot
30. I'm a total nerd, and couldn't care less
31. Despite that, I'm still really popular :l
32. Two best friends are going to different schools :<
33. I'm dirt poor, and I don't just mean me specifically
34. Still haven't gotten around to posting a pic of myself
35. I'll get to it eventually
36. Don't have a single pic of myself on my pc D:
37. Senna needs to give pics :v
38. Kidding ^
39. I've never broken or sprained anything
40. Except your mom
41. Kidding D:
42. My activity will be dropping to 1-2hours once school starts back up
43. Will be spending the little free time I'll have with GF
44. I wont be inactive for the whole "Getting back into school"
45. Really easy for me to adjust :v
46. I'm always multi-tasking
47. I can never think of anything to say on the forums D:
48. I'm funnier irl than on the net
49. This took way too long, I over think too much
50. Kbai

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try
This is gunna take for fucking ever.

1. I pick my nose when people aren't around. FUCK YEAH.
2. I fap a fair bit.
3. I hate redheads. I wanna rip their fucking heads off and rip all their hair out. And then laugh at them.
4. My dad is the most racist person I have ever seen. He hates aboriginals.
5. Aboriginals are cool.
6. I'm not racist.
7. I play Volleyball.
8. Some say I look gay when I play Volleyball.
9. I'm gay.
10. I broke my ankle playing soccer.
11. I still play soccer.
12. My team won 3-nil today in soccer.
13. I have a smelly sock laying around somewhere.
14. You don't wanna know why that sock is smelly.
15. My mum and dad are split.
16. I basically move house every week ;)
17. It's been 10 minutes since I started this.
18. I'm not gay.
19. Holy shit. I've made my own record.
20. I haven't had a girlfriend in over 1 week :o
21. I got caught stealing from a store once.
22. I got out with a warning.
23. I've stole way more than once.
24. I spend shitloads of time on the computer.
25. I'm not a nerd.
26. I have a job that you don't.
27. At a pizza shop.
28. My boss is fat.
29. And Italian.
30. He wants me to be a Christian.
31. He bought me a bible and a DVD thing.
32. I haven't watched the DVD, or read the Bible much.
33. I mean to, but I never find time.
34. I hate putting fences up.
35. It is so fucking time consuming.
36. I'm not an angry person.
37. I just swear heaps.
38. And say random swear words outloud.
39. In a funny manner.
40. To make people laugh.
41. I think I have Terrets (spelling?) Syndrome.
42. I might have ADD.
43. I need a new job.
44. Only 6 to go :o
45. I have $13.50 sitting next to me now.
46. Weird Al is cool.
47. My middle name is Steven.
48. I hit a teacher with a paper wasp yesterday :o (Was funny though)
49. She almost cried.
50. HOLY FUCK LAST ONE. Well. That teacher made me pick up rubbish, and she is a fat cow who should hit the treadmill at high speed.