Yes,I was wondering if you check if recruiters can change ranks..because drakeco tell me that he put us that perm but i checked it and we dont have it and if you dont belinve me check the 'chat place thread'..
Hi guys,

Me and my clan would like to challange you guys to a 25k (most likely) aikidobigdojo.tbm clan war today or tomorrow.

Rules would probably be 3 vs 3, first to 2 wins each bout, but we can arrange those a bit. For now the offer is only for you, cuz I want to fight you :P So yeah.

/sry for invade
You even started a thread about this topic and closed it before saying it on this thread ._. Don't count me in if the clan war takes place, I don't like aikido or its variants.
Originally Posted by TFguy View Post
You even started a thread about this topic and closed it before saying it on this thread ._. Don't count me in if the clan war takes place, I don't like aikido or its variants.

Yup I'm a bit clumsy on forums sometimes, isn't my day :3 Also, oki
Hey guys I just wanted to know if there is anything i can do for a better rank :'p 8') Please tell me if there is.

Originally Posted by staybackk View Post
Hey guys I just wanted to know if there is anything i can do for a better rank :'p 8') Please tell me if there is.


Posting more would be a start.
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