View Poll Results: What do you do when a bear attacks?
Suplex the bear
24 Votes / 42.86%
Play dead
3 Votes / 5.36%
Climb a tree
0 Votes / 0%
Shovel the bear out of the ring
10 Votes / 17.86%
Challenge the bear to fisticuffs
11 Votes / 19.64%
Call in air support
8 Votes / 14.29%
Voters: 56. You may not vote on this poll
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You effectively posted that app 2 minutes before I did. Give us a little time to consider it.
Preposterously dank.
You don't use a grill to make cookies, and your reluctance to place fault on dobby speaks to a fundamental lack of knowledge to the clan's procedure. Declined.
Preposterously dank.