I think instead we could come up with a stricter application process? to ensure that people will understand what is required of them, and so we don't just let in everyone who asks. If we want to make this clan official we really don't need people joining just so they have the little tag next to their name :P
and if they are going somewhere or might be inactive they need to at least inform someone. and possibly we test them in general mods instead of taking their word for it. and I think we need to get some practice rooms up on the weekends or something where we can give the group tips and ideas so we can increase the clans skill altogether
we can make exceptions for people who are close enough to black belt but are actually active though, but only for people already in the clan
Last edited by NamelessDev; Aug 3, 2014 at 04:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
i agree to. im going to be hosting a recruitment sever. so if your on type /jo steel
guys the bank is now operational. so send tc to the bank not me anymore. thanks
Last edited by cadbury69; Aug 4, 2014 at 02:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
when life gives you oranges, make lemonade
hey guys I need some help with parkour in toribash.
I can run fairly well on running.tbm but the parkour-maps always screw my running up.

Couple of tips or some help would be much appreciated
cad if you need me to help with recruitment stuff just ask and ill do some things XD starting school this wednesday though so i may be busy during my day hours XD

and divine... every map requires you to try a different run XD so you need to practice keeping balance and watch your feet to make sure they dont slip often changing your ankles, relaxing lumbar, and messing with your pecs can get you upright climbing/stairs/jumps will come with lots of practice XD just be patient and itll all come along
Beep, Boop
∞I would like to join to make steel the best clan, I don't think I am the best clan member because we all learn∞
Belt: black (I should be 2nd dan soon)
Rank: I think it's in the top 100k
Best mod: both jousting and akido
Age: 14
Belt (if you've yet to reach black belt, you will have to really impress us): black belt almost 2nd dan
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game? : I know I am not the best but I know I can beat the best
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(explain as best as you possibly can): I want to know that I can bring and clan straight to the top
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : ....
Have you read our rules, and do you agree to follow them if accepted ? I agree to the rules and the punishments they may follow
Your Favorite Official Mod to play: akido/ABD
Things you are skilled at: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay-making. Can include anything else in which you're better than average): I think that makes me stand out is I learn from pros mistakes to when I play I don't make them
Examples of that skill(if applicable, at least 2 examples would be nice): i get mine and "pros" mistakes and use them to my advantage (idk how else to put it)
Previous Clans(if any):RUDE
Favorite Forum(if any): all basically
Toribash organizations affiliated with(if any):none
Do you have an alternate account, and if so, what is it ?( if you're in a clan with another account, we can't let you in our clan with any account) : I have another account with no clan XD21XD rank 18k if you want both to be joining
Country/Location: USA
Level of forum activity(Important!):I check every day (2) times
Number of Infractions(if any):idk

If you have any questions where else I live I can't give them to you from my past my uncle is a killer (Clifford moore) and I'm not comfortable giving where I live if you REALLY need to know I will say but I don't want to
I made a lot of mistakes ^^
Last edited by Virus; Aug 4, 2014 at 09:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by NamelessDev View Post
every map requires you to try a different run XD so you need to practice keeping balance and watch your feet to make sure they dont slip often changing your ankles, relaxing lumbar, and messing with your pecs can get you upright climbing/stairs/jumps will come with lots of practice XD just be patient and itll all come along

thanks for the tip! can already see abit of progress
xstfx21 that is probably the most detailed app ive seen on here XD you may not hear from cad till later

Divine if you wanna practice with me some time just say when
and cad, I kinda like how he did that app up there maybe we could make a standard app similar to how he did it? plus we should test anyone who applies like i said before

oh... and xstfx you applied right as we are looking to change some things so expect some weirdness 0.o
and xstfx you should probably edit out that final part at some point we might need your gmt but nothing more, and too much information like that isn't necessary
Last edited by NamelessDev; Aug 4, 2014 at 04:57 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Beep, Boop