Thanks and you do realize this means when I get my new look Im forcing you with tc to do my new avatar.

It's friggin awesome, but there are problems

That blue eye does not really belong there, change the color or scrap it completely

Change the material on the mouthpiece, and replace it with a hex texture (google that shit)

Make the top completely yellow, that grey looks like your rushed and it's lazy work

The eyes look waaaaay too far apart, make em closer

And that's it, gl on the final product
can i take that girl home pl0x?
oohh dear lord Kratos.
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
Dayum, those are quality art.

Still pondering on whether to use it or not
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!