Opener looked a bit awkward.
You could've made a dm or a boom from that first kick.
Most of the hits were pretty sloppy.
I disliked how you grabbed so much.
You were a bit more stiff than usual.
The destruction looked nice.
There were a lot of hits that could've been booms.
The way you transitioned to each hit, even though you grabbed, looked pretty good.
Cool opener
The decap punch was alright, but the pec grab + kick were a bit of a waste, you could have made something better with those
The hip + glute was another waste, why not reach for the whole crotch?
The last dm was decent, nothing special

Some wasted oportunities :/ alright replay I guess

oh yeah
Opener was appealing, you kind of get sloppy and unrealistic throughout the hits.

I don't know what more can be said, but until that's changed, I can't really rate your replays.

P.S - Work on relaxing your tori a tad more.
This signature is dedicated to Maylene, my pet hamster.
Opener was good.
I really liked the minap.
Dm's looked a bit sloppy but cool.
I just loved how you entered the pose.
Pose was great.

Originally Posted by Extilist View Post
Opener was appealing, you kind of get sloppy and unrealistic throughout the hits.

I don't know what more can be said, but until that's changed, I can't really rate your replays.

P.S - Work on relaxing your tori a tad more.

P.S - It was -9.82 gravity which means I wasn't going for realism ;)
-30 gravity is for realism, -9.82 is classic.

And here I have another tricking replay, I know it is too short but I liked it, my first run openered tricking replay.
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Last edited by chamara; Jun 30, 2012 at 10:04 AM.
The run was good, but I don't know why people insist on trying to start their run that way. Just try it in real life and see if it works...
You were very stiff when you changed direction, but the trick was nice.
The pose was great, but that's a rather short replay :/

oh yeah