Humble leaders, I'd like to recommend mech0wner to be assimilated with Hivemind. He's know by me, Stix and perhaps few more worshippers. It's not a f a i l material for assimilation and i can take full responsibility for his behaviour.

Ok enough of this crap xD
Mech0wner is active in game and he's cool person to fight with. He learns fast and he's polite.

I would be very happy to see him in clan.

<Version for Chronos>

Mech0wnes eez nut a nub. he ez gud fighta nd hi haz 1337 skillzorz. Can i zi heem in clanz?!
Last edited by Shin-Ryuu; Aug 4, 2008 at 02:52 AM. Reason: I hate this censor....
<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin
What Ryu said. =D yes, I would like to join
Currently I am a black belt.
I have played with most of the NO members
it seems like a fun nice clan and I would like to join =)

P.S. I liek pie
Hey guys the new version 3.4 is out. (the real version not beta I mean ) thanks for the nice comments by the way.
Last edited by M3CH; Aug 4, 2008 at 07:13 PM.
I hate mech0wner. Plain and simple. He and I are like Chips and lava. They don't go well together.

Just kidding
Last edited by Colminator; Aug 4, 2008 at 07:46 PM. Reason: Forgot this part at the bottom
hmmm... i thought i hated you, but i guess im mixing you up with someone else ^^

Just get to know me a bit better and you'll probably get an approval sign from me ;)